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Abbott, Larry, 281-82

ABC, 351

ABC News, 366, 502, 682, 692, 695

Abercrombie, Neil, 742, 744-45, 747-49

Abolition of Marriage, The (Gallagher), 320

abortion, 27-28, 33, 67, 94-96, 118, 130,

135, 140, 142, 146, 154-55, 176-77, 237,

308, 319, 330, 348, 352, 355, 358, 362,

368, 478, 480-82, 484, 551, 590, 675,

678, 727, 732, 745

Abortion Without Apology (Baehr), 27-28

Abramoff, Jack, 144

Abreu, Julio, 165

Abzug, Bella, 161, 162

Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Equality

(ANGLE), 6-7

ACLU Alaska, 415

ACLU biennial conference

1975, 49-50, 52

1985, 52-54, 57

1989, 58

ACLU California and, 471

ACLU Florida, 412

ACLU Hawaii, 31, 40-46, 60-61, 63-64,

75-76, 79, 82-83

ACLU Legislative Briefing Papers, 62

ACLU Michigan, 177

ACLU of Montana, 748-49, 750

ACLU of Southern California Gay Rights

Chapter, 50

ACLU of Vermont, 271

ACLU Utah, 397

Adams, Jo-Ann, 33, 70


Adams, John, 308, 539

Adams, Richard F, 50-51

Addabbo, Joseph, Jr, 563

Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty,


Ad Hoc Committee on Defense of

Marriage, 566

Ad-Hoc Task Force to Challenge Sodomy

Laws (formerly Sodomy Roundtable),

51, 168. See also Roundtable (formerly

Sodomy Roundtable)

Admirals Club, 346

adoption, 5, 54, 57, 170, 180, 200, 214, 220,

265-66, 289, 300, 327, 340, 437-38, 648,

651, 706, 759

DeBoer and, 723

Denmark and, 26

Hawaii and, 39

by partner, 48

second-parent, or joint, 200, 205, 248,

255-58, 269, 274, 305, 308-11

Vermont bill of 1995 on, 257-58

Windsor and, 720

Advocate, 34,9, 39, 42-43, 54, 202-3,

242-43, 441, 539-40, 664

Affordable Care Act (2010), 664, 697, 700,


Afghanistan War, 637, 684, 693

AFL-CIO, 523

African Americans, 127, 304, 384, 427, 465,

475, 493, 516, 524, 542, 556, 600-602,

604, 665-66, 674, 678, 697-98, 703

African Methodist Episcopal Church, 332


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872 | Index

Agnos, Art, 5 730, 744, 748. See also Roundtable

Agrast, Mark, 164, 223, 227 (fermerly Sodomy Roundtable); 10-

Aguilera, Christina, 357 10-10-20 plan; specific affiliates, chapters,

AIDS/HIV, 6, 10, 35-36, 52-54, 57, 65, individuals, and lawsuits

72,75, 162, 180, 194, 197, 208, 210, 233, Ad-Hoc Task Force to Challenge

259, 402, 405-6, 441 Sodomy Laws (Roundtable), 168

airline-ticket rules, 39 Equality Committee, 54, 56

Alabama, 456, 751, 754 first endorses same-sex marriage, 57-58

Alabama Supreme Court, 754 Gay and Lesbian Rights Project, 57, 60

Alaska, 179, 304, 325, 413-15, 420, 469 Lesbian and Gay Rights Project, 301,

constitutional referendum in, 277, 297, 425, 443

330, 379, 415, 420, 533 LGBT & HIV Project, 656

Alaska Civil Liberties Union, 414 LGBT litigation unit, 532

Alaska Supreme Court, 297 National LGBT Project, 441

Albany Times Union, 565 New York staff, and Hawaii case

Alcoholics Anonymous, 33 of 1990, 62

Alesi, James, 563, 565 Perry and, 633, 646-47

Alexander, Marc, 119 Policy #261, 49-50, 52-53

Alianza Ministerial Evangélica Nacional, Policy #264, 58

332 Roger Baldwin Award, 301

Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club, Sexual Privacy Project, 49, 51

679 summit of 2009, 532, 536

alimony, 258, 342 10-10-10-20 plan and, 443-50, 462

Alinsky, Saul, 519 three-phase timeline, 447

© Alito, Samuel, 635, 715, 754, 756 Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,

Allard, Wayne, 373, 382 658-60, 701, 724

Alliance Defending Freedom, 758 American Enterprise Institute, 331

Alliance Defense Fund, 325, 331, 350, 383, | American Family Association, 337, 344,

479, 756 346, 357, 374, 379-80, 470, 496

Alliance for Equal Rights, 241-42 American Foundation for Equal Rights

Alliance for Marriage (AFM), 329-36, (AFER), 626-34, 649, 723

338-39, 341, 350, 360, 366, 501 American Indian Movement, 429

Alliance for Traditional Marriage, 240, American International Group, 497

378 American Legion, 46

Allred, Gloria, 522 American Psychoanalytic Association, 472

Amazon, 611 American Samoa Community College,

AMERICAblog, 639, 682 112

American Airlines, 346 Americans with Disabilities Act (1990),

American Association of Political 166, 683

Consultants, 607 American University Law School, 171

American Association of Retired Persons Amestoy, Jeffrey, 278-80, 282-84

(AARP), 349, 381, 453, 746 Amherst College, 128, 146

American Center for Law and Justice, 130, | Amish, 383

298 Analyst Institute, 549, 585

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Anchorage, Alaska, 414-15

7, 40, 46-58, 62, 67, 163, 174-75, 249, Anchorage Superior Court, 415

325, 333, 337, 425, 444-45, 587, 590, Anderegg, Jake, 755, 756

621, 623-26, 647, 656, 658, 700, 723, Anderson, Arthur, 116


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Anderson, Kenny, 341-42


“animus” motivation, 666-67, 717


Ann Arbor Folk Festival, 177


antidiscrimination laws, 563. See also

employment discrimination


antimiscegenation laws. See interracial



antisodomy statutes, 200, 251-52, 280, 392,

418, 644, 667


Lawrence v. Texas strikes down, 348-51,




apartheid, 52, 54, 308


Apostolic Signatura (Vatican), 479


Apple Computer, 183


Apuzzo, Virginia, 11


Aravosis, John, 639


Arcus Foundation, 452-53


Argentina, 559


Arizona, 106, 412, 725


constitutional referendum, 460, 485, 501,




Arkansas Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 6


Arkansas Supreme Court, 4-5, 647-48,



Arkes, Hadley, 128-29, 146-49, 154,

156-57, 330


Arlington Group, 344, 348-75, 378-79,

382-84, 470, 484-85, 501


Arlington National Cemetery, 619


Armey, Dick, 157, 187-88, 338


Arthur, John, 720-21


Articles of Confederation, 539


Asbury Park, New Jersey, 377


Asch, Adrienne, 56


Ashton, Alan C., 506


Asian Americans, 327, 332,465, 542


Asness, Cliff, 562


Aspen, Colorado, 127


Aspen Institute, 431


assault-weapons ban, 142—43


Assembly of God, 132, 486


Associated Press (AP), 218, 235, 284, 327,

331, 347, 613, 625


Astraea Lesbian Foundation, 540, 543


Atkins, Toni, 473


Atlanta Fournal-Constitution, 142, 147


Atlantic, 460, 487, 560, 756


Atlantic Philanthropies, 444


Index | 873


Auclert, Hubertine, 398-99


Audacity of Hope, The (Obama), 677-78, 703

Austin American-Statesman, 183


Avery, Sean, 584


Axelrod, David, 640, 678

Bachelor, Dina, 9, 38


Badger, Doug, 155


Baehr, C. J, 23-25, 66, 748


Baehr, Ninia, 23-28, 30-31, 44, 63, 66,

69-70, 76, 78, 101, 393-94, 672-73,

738-41, 743, 746, 748-51


Baebr v. Anderson (formerly Baebr v. Lewin),

297, 742


Bachr v. Lewin (later Baebr v. Anderson; Baebr

2 Miike), 69-89, 93-104, 110, 113, 119,

146, 250-52, 261, 325, 393-95, 398-400,

402, 409-12, 414, 417, 422, 499, 648,

737-7, 750-53


Baebr v. Mitke (formerly Baebr v. Lewin),

168, 174, 177-80, 238-39, 244, 633


Bailey, Gloria, 309


Baim, Tracy, 677


Baker, Jack (Pat Lyn McConnell),

4549, 54


Baker, Kyle, 232


Baker, Stannard, 273-74, 284


Baker et al. v. State of Vermont, 272-94, 301,

303, 331


Baker v. Nelson, 49, 575, 635-36, 728


Bakker, Jim, 357


Bakker, Tammy Faye, 357


Balanced Budget Amendment, proposed,



Baldwin, Tammy, 583


Baltimore Sun, 738


Baptist Press, 367


Baptists, 132, 337


Barnes, Fred, 404


Barnes, Melody, 622


Barr, Bob, 141-58, 225


Barr, Gail, 142


Barrios, Jarrett, 299-300


Barron, David, 638


Barr-Sawyer, Jonathan, 248-49


Barr-Sawyer, Todd, 248-49


Barry, Marion, 59


Barwick, Paul, 54-55


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874 | Index


Basic Rights Oregon, 549-53, 588, 601


Bassin, Ian, 641, 668


Batali, Mario, 584


Bateman, Lance, 745-46


Bauer, Bob, 670


Bauer, Gary, 134-35, 153, 186, 325, 347,

351-55, 361, 363-64, 368


Baxley, Mo, 579


Bay Windows, 155, 299


Bazelon, Emily, 309


Becerra, Xavier, 225


Beck, Nina, 274, 284


Belcher, Cornell, 678-9


Belden Russonello & Stewart, 444


Ben-Ami, Jeremy, 206, 211


Ben & Jerry’s, 183


Benedict XVI, Pope (Joseph Ratzinger),



Benenson, Joel, 685, 689


Bennett, Bill, 361


Bennett, Roberta, 7


Benson, Ezra Taft, 110


Berkshire Eagle, 306


Bernalillo, New Mexico, 377


Bernhardt, Bret, 156


Bernstein, Mary, 259


Bezos, Jeff, 611


Biden, Joe, 639-40, 688-89, 693-94


“Bill to Define ‚ÄòMarriage’ and ‚ÄòSpouse, A”

(Oliphant), 139


Binder, David, 523, 542


Biogen, 759


Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, 699


Birch, Elizabeth, 13, 181-92, 196-99,

217-19, 232, 237-43, 433


Birmingham, Tom, 307


Black, Timothy, 721, 724


Black Ministerial Alliance, 327


Blackmun, Harry, 71-72, 361


Black Panthers, 39


Black's Law Dictionary, 279


Blackwell, Morton, 134, 144


Blanchard, Leslie, 57


Blankenhorn, David, 315-23, 328, 341-43,

545, 648-51, 655, 726


Bloomberg, Michael, 561, 611


Bloomberg News, 723


Blue Earth County, Minnesota, 48


Boehner, John, 157, 399, 699, 716

Bohnett, David, 452, 454

Boies, David, 628-34, 643-46, 650, 653,

656, 701-2, 714

Bolthouse Farms boycott, 567

Bonauto, Mary, 247-57, 266-67, 269,

272, 276, 282, 284, 291, 295-311, 417,

443-47, 617-25, 628-29, 641-42,

653-70, 721-24, 726, 730-33, 735

Gill and, 618, 621, 626, 629, 641, 653-59,

668, 722

Goodridge and, 304-11, 319, 375, 443, 618,

621, 653, 733

MacArthur Genius Grant and, 731

Obergefell and, 732-33

Pederson and, 659, 668

Windsor and, 658-59, 668, 670, 721-24,

730-31, 733

Bond, Brian, 213

Bonior, David, 225

Bono, Chastity, 185, 222

Bono, Sonny, 185, 222

Book of Mormon, 111

Book of Mormon, The (musical), 609

Booz Allen Hamilton, 684

Bork, Robert, 330-31, 373

“Born This Way” (song), 574

Boston, 298-300, 375

Boston Children’s Hospital, 274

Boston City Council, 248

Boston Globe, 248-49, 255, 305, 334, 358,

494, 610

Boston Herald, 298

“Boston marriages,” 8

Boswell, John, 405-6

Boulder, Colorado, 50, 127

Boutrous, Ted, 624, 626-27, 643

Bowers v. Hardwick, 66-67, 71, 128, 175,

348, 391, 418, 447, 713

Bay Meets Bay (TV show), 357

Boys & Girls Club of Colorado Springs,


Boy Scouts, 76, 394, 417-18

Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, 417-19

Bradley, Bill, 287, 420

Brandeis University, 327

Braschi case, 57-58, 444

Brause, Jay, 413-15


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Brause v. Bureau of Vital Statistics, 297


Bravo (TV network), 357


Breyer, Stephen, 195


Brides, 357


Bridges, Rutt, 436


Brigham vs. State, 271


Brigham Young University, 111-12,

115-16, 324, 486, 500, 639


law school, 93, 95


Brigham Young University Law Review, 97


Brokeback Mountain (film), 481-82


Brom, Bishop Robert, 478-79


Brookline, Massachusetts, 298


Brooklyn (freighter), 503—4


Brown, Brian, 486-88, 528, 569-71


Brown, Henry, 665


Brown, Jerry, 193, 472, 662


Brown, Mark, 675


Brownback, Sam, 373, 635


Brown v. Board of Education, 703—4, 709,



Buddhism, 65, 67-68, 78-79


Buermeyer, Nancy, 240, 242-43


Buffalo, New York, 557


Build the Majority objective, 559


Bull, Chris, 126


Bulworth (film), 688


Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,



Burlington Free Press, 259, 264, 286


Burlington pride parade, 256, 264-65,



Burns, James S., 81-82, 85, 87-88


Burress, Phil, 128, 349, 355, 377-84


Bursch, John J., 732, 734-35


Busch, Michael E., 600


Buseck, Gary, 539-40


Bush, George H. W,, 6, 141, 163, 193, 317,

352-53, 635


Bush, George W., 15, 318, 323, 347,

352-56, 365-73, 378, 383-84, 387, 436,

439-10, 456, 480, 484, 550, 560, 626,

628, 635, 642, 675, 678, 706


Bush, Laura, 369


Bush, Linda, 440


Bush v. Gore, 628-29, 712


Business Leaders for the Freedom to

Marry, 583


Index | 875


Buttigieg, Pete, 759-60

BuzzFeed, 697,725

Cabaret (musical), 392

“Cabinet, the,” 452-59, 551, 555, 679

California, 50, 126, 133, 325, 412-13, 420,

422, 448-49, 463, 470-71, 475, 479, 494,


campaign finance and, 498

civil unions and, 470, 742

domestic partnerships and, 410, 463

marriages of 2004 and, 370-72

Perry and standing issue, 700-701

tax relief bill (2002), 470

California Against Hate “Dishonor Roll,”


California Conference of Catholic

Bishops, 479-82

California Constitution, 370, 403, 449,

470-71, 478-83

California Equality Project (/ater Let

California Ring), 464-65

California Fair Political Practices

Commission, 568

California Family Code, 420

California Family Council, 491

California Family Protection Act (2001),


Californians Against Hate, 497-98

California Proposition 6 (Briggs Initiative,

1978), 126, 508

California Proposition 8 (formerly

Marriage Protection Act, 2008),

488-511, 515-35, 541-43, 548-51,

566-68, 584, 591-95, 599, 605, 607, 609,

612, 629-30, 680, 743, 751. See also No

on 8 campaign (California); Yes on 8

campaign; specific cases

legal challenges to, 522, 623-24, 627-34,

637-38, 643-51, 655-56, 662, 700, 702,

FLO-15, 719

California Proposition 22 (Knight

Initiative, 2000), 420, 463-65, 469-76,

490-91, 496, 503, 519, 542-43, 548

struck down, 491-92, 508

California Proposition K, 476

California state legislature, 50, 335, 411,

420, 463, 466, 469


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876 | Index

California Supreme Court, 278-79, 371, Catholic University, 349

469, 471-78, 488, 490-93, 495, 501, 508, School of Law, 5

535, 623-27, 700 Cayetano, Ben, 742

California Western School of Law, 396, CBS, 16, 112, 166, 628

424 CBS Evening News, 49

“Call, The” (prayer rally), 497, 510 Cellucci, Paul, 299

Cambridge, Massachusetts, 298-300, 375 Center for American Progress, 453, 687

Cameron, David, 707 LGBT Research and Communications

campaign finance, 7, 106, 161-62, 455, 458, Project, 683

542, 611 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 141

Campaign for California Families, 470, Chamber of Commerce, 184

471, 472, 492 Chambers, David, 257

Campaign for Military Service, 163, 395, Chang, David, 584

423-24 Chang, Kevin, 239-40, 648, 739-41

Campaign for Working Families, 361 Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School, 250,

campaign in a box, 574 310

Campbell, David, 106 Charleston African Methodist Episcopal

Canada, 349, 480, 575, 658, 745 Church shootings, 753

Canady, Charles, 153-56 Checkers and Pogo (TV show), 22

Candidates’ Guide on How to Support Cheney, Dick, 354, 369

Marriage Equality, 540 Cheney, Mary, 369

Capek, Mary Ellen, 439, 547 Chenoweth, Helen, 144

Card, Orson Scott, 529 Cher, 185

Carlbom, Richard, 576-77, 581, 587, Chernaik, Melissa, 593

© 594-97, 612-13 Chibbaro, Lou, Jr., 208

Carney, Jay, 694 Chicago Sun-Times, 675

Carpenter, Dale, 575-76 Chico, Gery, 675

Carroll, Danny, 460 child custody, 248

Carter, Jimmy, 195, 420-21 children. See a/se adoption

Carton, Ellen, 448 California Proposition 8 and, 517,

“Case for Gay Marriage, The” (Sullivan), 524-25, 527, 591-93, 595

320, 405 lesbians and loss of, 170

Case for Marriage, The (Gallagher and Maine and, 595

Waite), 321 messaging on, 550, 581, 596, 604—7, 612

Caster, Terry, 489 New Family Structures study on, 651-52

Castleman, Dan, 603 Obergefell and, 733

Castner, Lynn, 47 Olson-Boies Perry suit and, 645-51

Cathcart, Kevin, 175, 393, 395, 425, same-sex marriage and, 343

449-50 Stand for Marriage Maine and, 530

Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, suspect-class doctrine and, 667

298, 299 Windsor and, 720

Catholic Church, 29, 40, 118-23, 132,134,  Childven’s Hour, The (Hellman), 45

240, 248, 258, 304, 324-25, 330, 338, child-support, 149, 327, 665

340, 347, 352, 405, 469, 474, 478-83, Chinese Community Church of

486-89, 497-500, 503, 505-6, 511, 528, Washington, 332

585, 600-601, 605, 610-11, 688-89 Chittenden County, Vermont, 272, 276,

Catholic Diocese of Portland, 530 303

Catholic Social Services, 39 Chong, Vanessa, 41, 43, 60, 62


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Christian Coalition, 118, 125-26, 134, 147,


Christian conservatives. See religious

conservatives; specific denominations

Christianity, Social Tolerance, and

Homosexuality (Boswell), 405

Christian Reformed movement, 145

Christian Science Monitor, 120, 327

Christian Seniors Association, 349

Christie, Chris, 600, 724

church and state, separation of, 336-37

Churchill, Winston, 527

Church of the Nazarene, 118

Cillizza, Chris, 707

Cincinnati, 128, 195, 378-80

Cincinnati city charter, Article XII (1998),

380, 383

CitizenLink, 367

Citizens for Community Values, 128,

377-78, 380, 384

Citizens for Equal Protection, 624

Citizens United, 568

Civil Division (DOJ), 661, 722

civil marriage, 263-64, 274

Civil Marriage Collaborative, 439, 551,

578-80, 613

Civil Rights Act (1964), 161, 333, 676, 683,


Civil Rights Division (DOJ), 669

civil-rights law, 11, 87, 279-80, 397,


civil-rights movement, 17, 63, 170, 230,

315, 333, 389, 427, 465, 475, 735

civil-service regulations, 619

civil unions

ACLU and, 447-48, 656

California and, 335, 470, 474-75, 662,


Connecticut and, 486, 655

domestic partnerships vs., 463

Federal Marriage Amendment and, 335,

360-64, 373-74

Hawaii and, 742

Massachusetts and, 303, 365-67, 369,

371, 374

Minnesota and, 596

Nebraska and, 379

New Hampshire and, 578


Index | 877


New Jersey and, 487, 530, 724, 742

Obama and, 15-16, 675, 677, 710-11

Ohio and, 381

public opinion and, 553

same-sex marriage vs., 302-3, 310, 602-3

state constitutional amendments

banning, 384

10-10-10-20 plan and, 448, 533-34

Vermont and, 13, 275, 288-98, 301-3,

418-20, 446, 459, 602-3, 742

Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,


Civil War, 625, 665

Clackamas County, Maine, 592

Clark, Chris, 473-78, 496-97, 530

Clayton, James L., 498

Clement, Paul, 699-700, 715-17, 732

Cleveland Heights, Ohio, 381

Clinton, Bill, 3-7, 12, 135-39, 142-43, 147,

155-66, 190, 193, 197-219, 317, 352-53,

458, 558, 626, 679, 685, 694

DOMA and, 11-15, 140, 157-58, 161,

178-79, 204-19, 223-24, 220-38, 247,

410, 617, 663

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and, 164, 197-98,

205, 209, 423, 636-37, 663

elections of 1992 and, 6-7, 126-27, 130,


elections of 1994 and, 178

elections of 1996 and, 3, 131, 194-98,

215-16, 219-20, 236-37

Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 6, 676, 680,


Club for Growth, 486-87

CNN, 192, 199, 516, 573, 690, 706, 753

Coakley, Martha, 654

Coalition for Equality in New Mexico,


Coalition for Marriage, 606

Cohen, Bruce, 623

Cohen, Steve (Cuomo aide), 558

Cohen, Steven A. (head of SAC), 562-63

Colbert, Stephen, 527

Coleman, Thomas, 410-12

Coles, Matt, 58, 301-2, 441-50, 462, 517,

532, 534, 536-40, 555, 621, 625, 628,

631, 633-34, 656-57, 669, 701

Colicchio, Tom, 584


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878 | Index


Colorado, 50, 201, 205, 439, 533, 725

ballot questions of 2006, 452

elections of 2004, 436-37


Colorado Amendment 2 (1992), 127-29,

148, 155-56, 195-96, 380, 428-29, 433,

654, 657, 667, 713


Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 757


Colorado College, 429


Colorado Court of Appeals, 757


Colorado Families First, 437


Colorado for Family Values, 128, 378


Colorado Springs, 378, 430


Colorado state election board, 437


Colorado state legislature, 435-39, 452


Colson, Charles, 363, 364, 372


Columbia Law School, 658


Columbus Dispatch, 381, 706-7


Comey, James B., 707


Commerce Department, 166


Common Sense America, 487


Common Sense Now, 114


“compelling state interest,” 664-65


Concerned Women for America, 133, 334,

337, 339, 358, 360, 378, 470


Condé Nast, 357


“conflicted” voters, 591, 597-98


Congregation for the Doctrine of the

Faith, 480


Congressional Budget Office, 687


Congressional Research Service,

American Law Division, 137-38


Connecticut, 529, 578, 659


Connecticut Supreme Court, 486, 621,

624, 655-56


Connolly, Thomas, 307


Connor, Ken, 334-36, 338, 353, 360


Connors v. Boston, 298-300


Conservative Leaders mailing list, 144


Conservative Political Action Conference,



Considerations Regarding... Legal Recognition

to Unions Between Homosexual Persons

(Vatican), 480


contraception, 45, 67,95, 478, 481, 590,

688, 691


Contract with America, 142-44


“conversations challenge campaign,”

593-98, 603-4, 613


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Conway, Kellyanne, 484

Cook County, Illinois, 727

Coolidge, David Orgon, 325-30, 364

Cooper, Chuck, 632-33, 644-50,


Coral Ridge Ministries, 355, 357

Cordileone, Salvatore, 478-83, 488-89,


Cornell University, 668

Cornyn, John, 343, 359, 636

Corporate Equality Index, 184, 568

corporations, 355, 430, 567-68

boycotts of, 346

domestic-partner benefits and, 183-84,

201, 346

gay-friendly ratings and, 184

Corrigan, Carol A., 490

Corzine, Jon, 530

Council for National Policy (CNP),


Council on Families in America, 320

Council on Foreign Relations, 133

Couples, Inc., 9, 38

Courage Campaign, 522, 535

covenant marriage laws, 317

Cowin, Judith, 311

Cox, Barbara, 396, 424

Cox News, 88

Craig, Charlie, 757-58

Craig, Gregory, 638

Craig, Larry, 140

Cramer, Dan, 594, 598

Crawford, Michael, 684

Crest boycott, 380

Crews, Ronald, 306, 485

“Critical Analysis of Constitutional

Claims for Same-Sex Marriage, A”

(Wardle), 98

Cronkite, Walter, 49

Cruz, Ted, 755

Cuomo, Andrew, 558-66, 570, 600, 608,


Cuomo, Mario, 558

Cushing, William, 309


Daddy's Wedding (Willhoite), 508

Dade County (Florida) Metro

Commission, 35


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Daily Herald, 676

Daily Oklaboman, 414

Dale, James, 417-19

Dancel, Genora, 21-31, 63, 66, 69-71, 76,

78, 672, 738-51

Daniels, Matt, 327-41, 350, 358, 360-61,

366, 373, 485, 501

Dannenfelser, Marty, 136, 138

Darden, Buddy, 142, 147

Dart, Justin, 230

Dartmouth College, 328

Davidson, Jon, 395, 623, 626, 708

Davies, Linda, 309

Davis, Denia, 412

Davis, Fred, 141, 148

Davis, Kim, 755

Dayton, Mark, 576

DDB Worldwide, 466

Dean, Craig, 58-59

Dean, Howard, 275, 286-91, 294, 296, 368,

418, 675

Dean v. DC, 59

death penalty, 308, 544

Deaton, Tyler, 707

DeBoer, April, 720

DeBoer v. Snyder, 720-26

Decatur Herald and Review, 746

Declaration of Independence, 220, 539

“Decline to Sign” campaign, 306-7

deep canvassing, 525

Defense Department (Pentagon), 163, 423,

478. See also military

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and, 662-63

Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA, 1996),

247, 252, 265-66, 287, 289, 320, 324,

359, 379, 416, 436, 546, 551, 608, 673,


ACLU and, 443, 658

Arlington Group and, 349, 379

attempt to repeal or doom, 617—22

Barr and Nickles bills in House and

Senate and, 140-57, 336

Boies/Olson Perry suit and, 629-30

Bonauto’s desire to challenge, 298

Bonauto’s Gill suit vs., 618-23, 625,

628-29, 653-55, 661

Bush II and, 372

Democrats and, 692


Index | 879


enactment and signing of, under Clinton,

LI-L5, 157-61, 204-38, 410

federal benefits and taxes and, 618-20,


federal cases and, 668-69, 699

federalism problem and, 716

foreign marriages and, 334

Freedom to Marry and goal of repealing,


full-faith-and-credit issues and, 334

Human Rights Campaign and, 440

Massachusetts v. HHS suit and, 654-55

Obama’s evolution and, 536, 628, 638-42,

654-55, 661-71, 676, 680-81

Obama stops defending, in 2011, 15-16,

682, 684, 686

Obergefell and, 728-38

Pederson and, 659

repeal efforts of 2009-2012, 559, 608,

680-81, 687

Section II and III and, 252-53, 620-22

Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on,


Smelt and, 680

Sobelsohn foresees passage of,


strict scrutiny question and, 665-68

Supreme Court strikes down, 719-22

test case vs., 253

Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and

658-59, 670, 699-722

Wolfson and fight vs., 423, 620

DeGeneres, Ellen, 189, 684

DeLay, Tom, 157, 372

Delery, Stuart, 668-69, 671, 722

Dellinger, Walter, 207

DeLotelle, Howard Lee, 42

Democracy Project, 435

Democratic Attorneys General

Association, 454, 669

Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, 595

Democratic Governors Association,


Democratic Legislative Campaign

Committee, 454

Democratic National Committee, 194,

196, 201-2, 209, 213, 231, 424, 437, 549,

559, 680, 689


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880 | Index

Democratic National Convention Dole, Robert, 13, 130-31, 134-41, 152,

1992, 130 156-57, 166, 180-82, 185, 218-19, 226,

1996, 220 236, 352

2012, 559, 697 “DOMA Stories” (GLAD booklet), 629

2016, 759 Domestic Partners Benefits and

“Democrats for Domestic Partnership” Obligations Act, proposed, 680

(Coleman), 410 domestic partnerships, 27

Democrats’ “Say I Do” petition, 692 ACLU and, 62, 444, 656

DeMoss, Mark, 502 Boston and, 248, 298-99

Denmark, 26 California and, 463-64, 490-91, 644

Dennis, Kathryn, 746-48 Colorado and, 452

Denver, Colorado, 127 corporations and, 183-84, 201-2, 206,

Deseret News, 105—6, 108, 501, 529 346, 746

Des Moines, Iowa, 459 District of Columbia and, 180, 193

Des Moines School Board, 125 Family and Medical Leave Act and,

Destro, Robert, 349 137-38

Deutsch, Jo, 692 Federal Marriage Amendment and,

Devlin, Bill, 332 361

DiLone, Jeanette, 341-42 health insurance and, 172

DiLorenzo, Francis X., 119-20 In ve Marriage Cases and, 491

Dinkins, David, 429 LGBT opposition to, 58

Dinwoodie, Becky, 242 marriage movement and, 322

disability movement, 11 Massachusetts and, 298-303, 307, 619

discrimination, anti- LGBT. See also New York City and, 404

© employment discrimination, specific public colleges and, 381

statutes and types public opinion and, 243, 553

on basis of marital status, 250 same-sex marriage vs., 625

Colorado and, 127, 428, 452 state constitutional amendments

DOMA and, 639 banning, 384

domestic partnership and, 62 10-10-10-20 plan and, 448, 533-34

Hawaii and, 72, 81-82, 86-89 Vermont and, 283, 287, 290-92

military and, 164 Washington State and, 602

right to marry and, 391 West Hollywood and, 27, 401-2

same-sex marriage prohibition as, Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,

56-58 711

statutes banning, 10, 35, 446 Wolfson-Coleman debate on,

U.S. congressional staff and 165 410-11

Vermont ban on, 256 Domestic Policy Council, 206

Washington, DC, and, 59 Donahue, Jimmy, 34

workplace, 5 Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, 163-65, 175, 179,

Disney Company, 346 195-98, 205, 209, 636-37, 679-80

divorce, 292, 327, 329, 494 repealed, 663-64, 682-83, 695

no-fault, 93, 222, 317, 320, 481 Dooley, John, 277, 283-84

Dobson, James, 325, 336-38, 347, 356, 360, Dorf, Michael, 668

479 Dorsey, Jack, 684

Dodd-Frank Act (2010), 710 Dow, 759

Doe v. Bolton, 362 Doyle, C. J., 298

Doherty, William, 321, 323 DP Lobby Day, 299, 302


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Dred Scott v. Sandford, 372, 625, 637, 665,


Dreher, Rod, 757

due-process rights, 80, 656-57

job discrimination and, 47

Obama and, 666

Obergefell and, 752

Duffy, John-Charles, 102

Duffy, Michael T., 250

Dugan, Gene, 414-15

Dukakis, Michael, 247, 421, 458

Duncan, Arne, 694

Duncan, William C., 500

Dunlap, Victoria, 371

Dunn, Loren, 114-22

Duran, John, 490

“duty to defend,” 638, 661, 663-64, 668

Eagle Forum, 5, 362

Earhart, Tim, 34

Earnest, Josh, 708

East Clairemont Southern Baptist Church,

473, 477

Eastern Orthodox Church, 499

Education Department, 166

Edwards, John (U.S. senator), 382

Edwards, John (Vermont representative),

288, 293-94

Egan, Patrick, 541—42

Eichor, Rick, 239, 648, 740

eight-state solution, 710, 715, 732

8: The Mormon Proposition (documentary

film), 609

Eisenhower, Dwight, 709


of 1968, 501

of 1976, 420

of 1980, 421

of 1988, 118, 457-58

of 1992, 3-4, 6, 126-27, 130, 142, 192-94,


of 1994, 126, 141, 146, 167, 174, 177-78,

182-83, 187

of 1996, 3, 12-13, 125, 130-31, 135-36,

141, 147-48, 155, 179-81, 190, 192-97,

204, 209, 212, 215-16, 219-20, 226,

236-37, 240-42, 352, 741

of 1998, 243, 287, 420


Index | 881


of 2000, 287-88, 296-97, 302, 352, 420,

434, 438, 628

of 2002, 347

of 2004, 355, 368, 372-74, 382-85, 436,

439-40, 452, 456-57, 480, 560, 675-78,


of 2006, 458-60, 484, 556

of 2007, 487-88

of 2008, 484, 493, 495, 502-3, 510-11,

515-16, 622, 636, 677-80, 682, 689

of 2009, 531, 535, 538

of 2010, 493, 531, 543, 557-59, 571, 575,

660, 663, 683

of 2012, 529, 543, 559, 570, 576-78,

583-614, 684-98, 725

of 2014, 570

of 2016, 16, 725, 754-55

of 2020, 16, 759-60

electoral college, 383

Eleveld, Kerry, 664, 667, 681, 685

Elliott Management, 560-61

Ellis, Kevin, 289-90

Elman, Philip, 704

Emanuel, Rahm, 235

Embry, Cheryl, 36-37, 76

EMILY’s List, 427

Emmer, Tom, 568

Empire State Pride Agenda, 196, 212, 395,

413, 425-26, 556-57, 560

employment discrimination, 10, 161, 200,

224, 430

attempt to pass ban on, 166

Baker-McConnell case and, 46-48

California and, 126

Hawaii and, 23, 28, 40, 100-101

Massachusetts and, 247

nondiscrimination laws and, 726

U.S. Congress and, 165-66

Employment Non-Discrimination Act

(ENDA, 1994), 166-67, 175, 178,

223-24, 226-30, 232, 683, 758

Empower America, 361

Enemies of Evos, The (Gallagher), 320

Energy Department, 166

Enright, Janice, 210, 213

Enron, 661

environmentalists, 437, 604

Episcopal Church, 357


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882 | Index


Equality Act, proposed, 758, 760

Equality California, 464-66, 522, 535, 543,

567, 588

Equality California Institute, 543

Equality Hawaii, 744

Equality Mlinois, 674

Equality Maine, 581, 587

Equality Maryland, 600-601

Equality Michigan, 721

Equality New Mexico, 547

Equality Summit ‘09, 518-20

Equality Virginia, 458

equal-protection rights, 396, 603, 656-57

California and, 471

Hawaii and, 86-87, 89, 103

Montana and, 749

Obama and, 665-67

Obergefell and, 732,752

tiered scrutiny and, 665-67

Windsor and, 700, 715-16

US. Constitution and, 71-72, 74, 80,


Equal Rights, Not Special Rights

Committee, 125, 380

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 5, 106,

114, 118, 133, 146, 269

Ervin, Sam J., Jr, 5

Esseks, James, 532, 537, 624-25, 646-47,

656, 658-59, 724

Ethics and Public Policy Center, 325, 330

Ettelbrick, Paula, 171-74, 256-58, 392-95,

402, 408, 413-14

evangelicals, 6, 106, 112, 118, 125, 132,

134, 145, 152, 327, 335-37, 345, 347,

351-53, 361, 369, 430, 473-79, 482-85,

491, 495-502, 505, 510-11, 530, 635,

644. See also religious conservatives

ExxonMobil, 684


Facebook, 596, 757

Fairfax, California, 472

Fall Out Boy, 507

Falwell, Jerry, 33, 134, 347, 356


broader definition of, 257

decline of, 327

Family and Medical Leave Act (1993),

137-38, 716


| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 882


“Family: A Proclamation to the World,

The” (LDS), 108

Family First Agenda, 320

Family Institute of Connecticut, 486

family law, 170, 328-29

Family Law Notes, 93

Family Policy, 137

Family Research Council (FRC), 134-38,

152-53, 186, 334-38, 344, 351, 353-54,

358-61, 367, 371,470, 571

family values, 117, 120, 142, 180, 215, 316,

320, 478

Farber, Daniel A., 666

Farnham, Lois, 273-74

Farris, Michael, 374

Fatherless America (Blankenhorn), 317

fatherlessness, 327, 329, 340-41, 344

Fauntroy, Walter, 333, 341

Faust, Sonia, 72-73, 80-82, 87

federal administrative law, 619

federal benefits, 214, 353, 619-20, 629,

639, 670

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),

145, 500, 707

Federal Communications Commission

(FCC), 23

Federal Emergency Management Agency

(FEMA), 402

federal employees, same-sex partner

benefits, 641

Federal Housing Administration, 200

federal judiciary, 536, 667-68. See also US.

Court of Appeals; U.S. Supreme Court,

specific cases

ACLU three-phase timeline and, 447,


DOMA cases of 2012 and, 699-700

Olson and Boies suit launched in, 626-31

Smelt and, 637-38

federal laws, number using “marriage” and

“spouse,” 151

Federal Marriage Act (proposed), 360

Federal Marriage Amendment (proposed),

15, 319, 326-41, 344, 349-55, 358-69,

372-75, 378-79, 382, 384, 387, 436, 440,

444-46, 456, 470, 482, 484, 500-501,

546, 551, 560, 622, 678, 707, 756

federal pensions, 151


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Federal Reserve, 200


Feingold, Russ, 344


Feinstein, Dianne, 228, 509-10


Feldblam, Chai, 162, 166, 175, 177, 195,

206, 223-24


feminists, 27, 171-72, 248, 256, 259-60,

317, 390, 402, 403, 437


Field Institute, 493


Fight Back New York, 557-58, 565


Finkelstein, Arthur, 132


Finneran, Thomas, 299


firefighters, death benefits and, 353


First Amendment, 498, 605, 611, 755


First Amendment Defense Act (proposed),



First Ever Mass Gay Divorce, 407

First Federated Church (Des Moines),

124-25, 130-31

First Things symposium, 330

First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, 672

Fisher, Jeffrey, 730

Fitzpatrick, Keith, 620

Flanagan, Ed, 296

Fleischer, Ari, 351

Fleischer, Dave, 519-26, 532

Fleming, Michael, 454

Flint, Jeff, 492-93, 505, 508-10, 602, 607

Florida, 35, 106, 153, 412, 448

elections of 2000 and, 352, 628

Florida circuit court, 647—48

Focus on the Family, 134, 327, 333, 336—

38, 351, 356-57, 366, 371, 379-80, 383

Fois, Andrew, 207-8

Foley, Dan, 63-85, LOL, 168, 23944, 253,

296, 394-95, 404, 409, 411, 624, 737-413,

747-48, 751-53

Foley, Tom, 164-65, 187

Ford, Gerald, 545

Ford Foundation, 425, 427

Foreman, Matt, 440

Fort DeRussy, 37

Fortune 500, 184

Foster, Henry, 135

foster parents, 54, 248, 647

Fourteenth Amendment, 662, 703, 733

due-process clause, 47, 80, 271, 656-57,

666, 752

equal-protection clause, 71, 271, 665, 733


Index | 883


Obergefell and, 737

tiered scrutiny and, 665-67

Fox, Christine, 397

Fox News, 697

Fox TV network, 28

Frandsen, Russell, 504

Frank, Barney, 164, 166, 175, 180, 182,

186-91, 194, 204, 218, 221-26, 237, 247,

398, 406, 731

Frazzini, Jeana, 588, 601

Free Congress Foundation, 352

“Freedom” campaign ad, 236-37

Freedom to Marry (post-2009) 543-55,

558-59, 570, 573-614, 684, 689-90, 692,

707, 725, 726, 750

Freedom to Marry (video), 266, 273

Freedom to Marry Coalition (pre-2009),

158, 267, 269, 387, 403-4, 415, 426, 450,

463, 466, 539-43

Freedom to Marry Foundation, 439

FR.EE. (Fight Repression of Erotic

Expression), 47

Frickey, Philip P., 666

Friedman, Bernard, 720-21, 726

Friends and Family program, 596

Friends of Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage

Project, 741

Frist, Bill, 351, 354, 358-59, 373, 382

Frontiers, 515

Frontline (TV show), 318

Frye, Donna, 472, 474

full-faith-and-credit clause, 13, 124, 149,

152-53, 207, 214, 252, 334, 376, 379, 398

Alito on, 635

DOMA and, 156, 620-21

Netherlands and, 334

fundamentalists, 133-34, 485

Future of the Marriage Movement

conference (Osprey Point, 2003),


Future Shock (documentary film), 8


Gabbard, Carol, 113, 745


Gabbard, Mike, 112-14, 123-25, 240, 243,

378, 741, 744-45


Gabbard, Tulsi, 745


“Gala with the Gay Community”

(Sheraton, 2011), 685-87


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884 | Index


Gallagher, John, 126


Gallagher, Maggie, 320-23, 340-46,

364-65, 483-88, 531, 545, 566, 569-70,

608-9, 648, 651-52, 655, 725


Gallup polls, 502, 574, 685, 688


Galston, Bill, 317


Gang of Four, 436-37, 452


Gansler, Douglas, 670


“Garden Wedding” ad, 542-43


Garff, Ken, 567


Garlow, Jim, 476-78, 482, 495-97, 510


Garrow, David J., 672


Gates, Bill, 611


Gates, Robert, 637


“Gathering Storm” ads, 527-28, 569


Gawker, 631


Gay Activists Alliance, 169


Gay and Lesbian Activist Alliance, 341


Gay and Lesbian Advocacy Association,



Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders

(GLAD), 168, 247-54, 261, 266, 269,

298-305, 308, 310, 425, 439, 444, 535,

539, 580, 588, 617-19, 621, 629, 653,

659, 670, 700, 722


Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against

Defamation, 441


Gay and Lesbian Community Center

(Honolulu), 27, 32


Gay and Lesbian Education

Association, 77


Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colorado, 430,



Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Association of

Florida, 210


Gay and Lesbian Pride Week (Hawaii),

34, 37-38


Gay and Lesbian Utah Democrats, 397


Gay City News, 440-41, 540, 544


Gay Community News, 33, 36-37, 42


Gay Insider, The (Hunter), 401


Gay Liberation Front, 39


gay liberation movement, 260


Gay Marriage Project, 43, 76


“Gay Marriages: Make them Legal”

(Stoddard), 392


Gay Men’s Health Crisis (New York), 402,



| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 884


gay-pride parades. See Pride parades


Gay Rights, Special Rights (video), 127


“Gays and Marriage” (Milwaukee Journal

series), 9


Geffen, David, 431


Gejdenson, Sam, 225


gender discrimination, 31, 394, 666


sexuality discrimination vs., 86


gender equality movement, 11


gender roles, traditional, 317


General Accounting Office, 228


General Electric, 746


GeoCities, 452


George, Robert, 330, 338, 372-73, 485-86,

528, 651


Georgetown University Law School, 162,

175, 373


Georgia, 51, 66, 147, 200, 348, 759


Georgia constitutional amendment (2004),



Georgia Democratic Party, 147


Georgia Gay Political Action Committee,



Georgia Republican Party, 141-42, 147,



Georgia Right to Life, 147


Gephardt, Dick, 225, 227, 675


GetEQUAL, 680


Gibbs, Robert, 688


Gibbs, Susan, 329


GI Bill, 45


Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, 409, 624, 627


Gifford, Rufus, 678, 680, 697


Gilbert, Richard, 625


Gilgoff, Dan, 336


Gill, Nancy, 618, 621


Gill, Robert, 58-59


Gill, Tim, 14, 16, 428-39, 451-60, 463,

487, 551, 555-57, 571, 669, 694


Gill Action Fund, 455-61, 463, 538, 540,

555, 560-61, 570, 583


Gillespie, Ed, 365


Gill Foundation, 430, 432-42, 445, 448,

450-61, 464, 516, 578


Gill v. Office of Personnel Management,

618-21, 625, 629, 641, 653-56, 658-59,

661, 664, 668, 722


Gingrich, Candace, 185


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Gingrich, Newt, 142-44, 147, 152, 157,

185, 187-89, 220, 352


Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 418, 715-16,



Glasser, Ira, 52, 62


Glendon, Mary Ann, 330


Glezman, Chasten, 759


Glynn, Mary Ellen, 236


Goeglein, Tim, 352, 354


Gold, Deeg, 407


Goldberg, Suzanne, 169-72


Golden Report, 694, 697


Golden Rule, 587, 604, 744


Goldfarb, Stephen M,, 47


Goldwater, Barry, 224


Gompers, Samuel, 186


Good Morning America, 695


Goodridge, Annie, 305


Goodridge, Hilary, 304-5, 375, 494


Goodridge, Julie, 304-5, 375, 494


Goodridge v. Department of Public Health,

305-11, 319, 321-23, 333, 342, 349, 359,

364-69, 375, 379, 443, 454, 479, 484-85,

494, 532, 588, 618, 621, 653, 675, 733


Goodyear, 550


Gore, Al, 208-10, 212, 219, 230, 234, 287,

317, 420, 628


Gorelick, Jamie, 166


Gorsuch, Neil, 760-61


Goslant, Keith, 266


Gossett, Charles W,, 493


Gracey, Lila, 431


Graff, E. J., 463


Graham, Billy, 475-76


Grainger, Katherine, 563


Grassley, Charles, 635-36, 682


Grassroots Solutions, 594


Graulty, Rey, 114, 240


Gravel, Mike, 678


Gray, Michael, 581, 585


Greaney, John, 310-11


Greater Boston Business Council, 249


Green, Joshua, 460


Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, 552


Greenstein, Linda, 487


Gregoire, Christine, 600


Gregorian University (Rome), 479


Gregory, David, 693


Index | 885


Gregory, Sasha, 34


Gregson, Terry, 32, 38


Griffin, Chad, 623-32, 643, 702


Grinnell College, 460


Grisolano, Larry, 691


Griswold v. Connecticut, 95


Groundhog Day memo (Zepatos), 517, 524,



Grove, Lisa, 550, 553-54, 574, 581,

592-94, 596, 604, 612, 692


Grunn, Robert, 721


Guam, 424


Guerriero, Patrick, 456-58


Guest, Michael, 353


Gunderson, Steve, 225-26


Gussis, Chrysanthe, 200-201


Gutierrez, Luis, 225


gym memberships, 399

Haas, Evelyn and Walter, Jr. Fund, 422,

425-26, 540


Haft, Marilyn, 49


Hallman, Dan, 118


Hallstrom, Don, 102, 117, 122-23


Halpern v. The Attorney General of Canada, 349


Hamer, Dean, 88


Hammer, Christopher, 625, 637-38


Hansen, Reese, 93, 94


Hara, Dean, 619-20


Hardwick, Michael, 51, 418


Hare Krishna movement, 112


Harkin, Tom, 193


Harlan, John Marshall, 665


Harlem, 8


“Harm Kids Attack” ads, 592


Harrigan, Peter, 273-74


Harris, Kamala, 662


Harris, Martin, 111


Harris, Neil Patrick, 686


Hartmann, Debi, 115, 119, 122, 243


Hartnett, Kathleen, 662-64


Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law

Review, 673


Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, 190


Harvard Law Review, 673


Harvard University, 183, 308-9, 405


Law School, 61, 207, 330, 390-92, 421,


426, 536


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886 | Index


Harvey Milk Democratic Club, 402


Hastert, Dennis, 358


Hatalsky, Lanae Erickson, 550-52


Hatch, Orrin, 5, 174-75, 223-24, 362


hate crimes, 180, 228, 348, 423, 446, 452,



Hate Crime Statistics Act (1990), 224


Hattoy, Bob, 194, 208


Hawaii, 11, 13, 15, 27-36, 40, 58, 60-64,

67,97, 100-105, 110, 112-20, 123-24,

128-30, 137, 145-49, 151, 154, 174-75,

178-79, 192, 199, 207, 221, 238-42,

250-53, 261, 264-67, 303-4, 315,

324-25, 349, 371, 378-79, 395, 398-412,

417, 419, 422, 425, 438, 444, 460, 463,

469, 499, 508, 537, 584, 620, 624, 633,

648, 672-73, 717, 737-51. See also Baebr

v. Lewin (later Baehr v. Anderson; Baebr v.



elections of 1996, 240-42


Hawaii AIDS Task Force, 76


Hawaii Amendment 2 (1998), 243-44, 253,

277, 379, 415, 417, 420, 433, 742-43


Hawaiian Act 2 (1991), 72


Hawaii Board of Education, 115, 119,



Hawaii Catholic Congress, 119


Hawati Catholic Herald, 325


Hawaii circuit court, 102-5


Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, 64


Hawaii Civil Rights/Sexual Orientation

Commission, 42


Hawaii Civil Unions Act, 742-46


Hawaii Commission on Sexual

Orientation and the Law, 120, 129, 179,

200, 241


Hawaii Constitution, 67, 80-81, 89, 99,

112, 121-22, 167, 240, 243


Hawaii Constitutional Convention

(1978), 67


Hawaii Democratic Party, 32


Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project

(HERMP), 77, 241, 425, 673, 739


Hawaii First strategy, 412, 415


Hawaii Health Department, 31, 40, 44-45,

61, 65, 67, 69, 77, 743, 747


Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals,



Hawaii Marriage Equality Act (2013),

744-46, 749


Hawaii Marriage Equality Day (2012), 743


“Hawaii Marriage Issue,” 146, 148‚Äî49


Hawaii Public Affairs Council, 110


Hawaii Reciprocal Beneficiaries Program

(1997), 741-42, 746


Hawaii Revised Statutes, 65


Hawaii’s Alliance for Equal Rights, 241


“Hawaii’s Assault on Matrimony” (Family

Policy), 137


Hawaii’s Future Today, 120-23, 240, 243,



Hawaii state legislature, 29, 32, 62, 73, 103,

112-15, 117, 119-22, 129, 200, 240-43,

253, 296, 411, 419, 741, 744-45


Hawaii Supreme Court 68, 78-89,

93-94, 96, 98, 100-101, 112-13, 167-68,

174-75, 178-80, 239, 243-44, 255-57,

283, 297, 394-95, 414, 422, 603, 7354,

747-48, 750-52


Hawaii United for Marriage, 744


Hayashi, Yoshimi, 85-87


Head Start, 318


Healey, Maura, 654


Health and Human Services Department,



health insurance, 5, 26-27, 44, 172, 249,

255, 298, 618, 688


Healthy Marriage Initiative, 318


Heather Has Two Mommies (Newman), 113


Hedgecock, Roger, 476


Heen, Walter M., 81, 85, 87-88


Height, Dorothy, 230


Hellman, Lillian, 45


Helms, Jesse, 133, 224, 362


Hennepin County, Minnesota, 46-48, 575


Henning, John, 523


“Here Comes the Groom” (Sullivan), 405


Herek, Gregory, 594


Heritage Foundation, 125, 368


Herrera, Dennis J., 472


Hesse, Monica, 528


Hibbard, Karen, 258


Higgins, Kitty, 200


Hill, Ellen, 265


Hillcrest business community, 473-74


Hilton, Perez, 528


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Hinckley, Gordon B., 108-10, 114, 119,

501, 503

Hiris, Lori, 749-50

Hirchito, Emperor of Japan, 65

Hispanic Americans, 127, 225, 332, 557

Hitt, Scott, 6, 233

Hoag, Jack, 115, 122

Hochberg, Fred, 178, 427

Hochberg, Jim, 100-101

Ho Chi Minh, 617

Hoffman, Doug, 531

Hofmann, Mark, 111

Holder, Eric, 671, 702, 710, 722, 731

Holland, Jeffrey, 529

Holland, Matthew, 486, 528-29

Hollings, Fritz, 227

Hollingsworth, Dennis, 700-701, 708

Hollingsworth v. Perry, 700-720, 723. See

also Perry v. Schwarzenegger

home mortgages, 200, 273

Home School Legal Defense Association,

333, 374


ACLU and, as term, 53

as choice, vs. biology, 51, 53, 73-75,

80-81, 88

Christian Coalition vs., 126

Colorado Amendment 2 and, 127

destigmatization of, 357

DOMA and moral disapproval of, 639

Gabbard vs., in Hawaii, 112-14

Institute of American Values and, 319

Mormon (LDS) Church and, 111-12,


Oregon Measure 9 and, 127

Perry suit and, 632, 644

public opinion on, 493

science-based messaging on, 573-74

Vatican on, 480, 505

Honolulu, 15, 21, 23-46, 58-77, 93,

112-16, 119-21, 129, 324-25, 393-94

Honolulu Advertiser, 30, 34-35, 43, 75, 113,

240, 745-46

Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 75, 122, 242

Hooking Up, Hanging Out and Hoping for Mr.

Right (Blankenhorn), 318

Hoover, Margaret, 562, 564

Hormel, James, 353, 425, 427, 452


Index | 887


Horn, Bill, 124-25, 130, 192

Horn, Steve, 232

Horn, Wade, 317, 318

hospital visitation rights, 27, 54, 151, 170,

402, 677

Hostettler, John, 359

Housing and Urban Development

Department, 200

housing discrimination, 10, 161, 247

Houston Chronicle, 367

ARC Quarterly, 190, 295

Huckabee, Mike, 755

Huff, Christine, 250, 310

Hugo, Julie, 41, 43

Hula’s Bar & Lei Stand, 34, 35, 37

Hull, Blair, 675

Human Events, 360

Human Life Amendment (proposed), 362

Human Rights Campaign Fund (/ater

Human Rights Campaign, HRCF;


California and, 464-65, 517, 528

Clinton and, 7, 13, 162-64, 194-98,

219-20, 232, 236

Coles’s 10-10-10-20 group and, 446, 462

congressional workplace discrimination

and, 165-66

corporations and, 568

DOMA and, 13, 204-7, 212, 217-29, 232,

236, 440

early history and political influence of,


elections of 2012 and, 583

ENDA and, 223-24, 226-30, 232

Federal Marriage Amendment fight and,


Gill and, 430, 433-34, 453-54

GOP in Congress and, 180-91

Hawaii and, 167, 174, 178, 240-43, 250,


Hillary Clinton and, 708

marriage issue and, 192-93

movement leaders vs., 440-42, 457-58

nightmare scenario of 1994 and, 250

Obama and, 674-81, 686

political donations and, 457-58

state campaigns and, 347 382, 422-25,

560, 578, 599, 601-2, 606, 609


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888 | Index


Human Rights Campaign Fund (/ater

Human Rights Campaign; HRCF;

HRC) (continued)


transgendered people and, 759


Vermont civil unions and, 295


Windsor and Hollingrworth v. Perry and,

701, 723, 744


Humphreys, Tom, 75-76, 241


Hunt, Terence, 235


Hunter, Nan, 60-61, 425


hunting license fees, 67


Huntsman, Jon, 603


Hurlie, Mary, 261


Hyde, Henry, 153-54


Hynes, Dan, 675


IBM, 427, 628


Iceland, 559


Ickes, Harold, 12, 200, 204—5, 209-10


Idaho, 106, 140, 144, 501, 547, 726


“T Doz” (Blankenhorn), 318


Illinois, 434, 674-76, 687


Illinois Human Rights Act, 674


Illinois Marriage Equality Act, 727


Illinois state legislature, 666, 673-74


“T Love America” rally (Honolulu), 33


“T’m a Mormon” ads, 609-10


immigration, 3, 188, 481, 690


Immigration and Naturalization Service

(INS), 50-51




Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde),



incest, 644


Indiana, 529, 533, 726


Industrial Areas Foundation, 519


inheritance rights, 242


Inhofe, James, 164


Inve Adoptions of BLVB. & ELVB,

255-58, 277


In ve guardianship of Sharon Kowalski,



In ve Marriage Cases, 471, 490-92, 495, 501,

623, 625, 637


Inspirational Network (INSP TV), 355,



Institute for American Values, 316-23,

327, 342-43, 345, 648


Institute for Marriage and Public Policy,

343, 364, 483

insurance benefits, 54, 206, 242, 287, 399,

402. See also health insurance

Interfaith Discussion Group on the

Legislation of Same-Sex Marriage, 324,


Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 9, 658

International Cuisine Festival, 38

International Flavors and Fragrances,


International Olympic Committee, 500

interracial marriage, 66, 252, 278-80, 375,

404, 448-49, 509, 544, 546, 628, 678

Interstate Commerce Commission, 703

“intimate association” concept, 418

Towa, 124-25, 130, 378, 459, 529, 533, 555,


elections of 2010, 571

elections of 2012, 583

Iowa Bar Association, 571

Towa caucuses

of 1996, 125, 130-31, 136-37

of 2004, 368

of 2020, 760

Towa state constitution, 459

Towa state courts, 459

Towa state legislature, 457, 459-60,

555-57, 570-71

Iowa Supreme Court, 556, 559, 571, 575,


elections of 2010, 571-72, 608

Tran-Contra scandal, 391

Traq War, 637, 745

Isaacson, Arline, 302, 306-7

“Is DOMA Doomed?” (Bonauto), 620

Iskowitz, Michael, 224, 229-30

Islamic Center of New England, 327

Island Lifestyle Magazine, 36, 76

Israel, 697

ISSI firm, 596, 603-4

Istook, Ernest, 146, 164, 337-38

Ithaca, New York, 413-14


Jackson, Jesse, 179

Jackson, Natasha, 743

Jackson, Samuel L., 509

Jackson v. Abercrombie, 743


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Jacobs, Rick, 522-23

Jacoby, Peter, 215

Jacques, Cheryl, 440

jail visitation rights, 27, 402

Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, 304-5

James Madison Program, 485-86

Japan, 65

Japanese American Citizens League, 403

Japanese immigrants, 703

Jarrett, Valerie, 636, 640, 671, 681-82, 689,

693, 701

Jean, Lorri, 185, 402—4, 406-7, 518-20

Jeffords, Jim, 223, 226

Jenkins, Woody, 131-32

Jensen, Marlin K., 324, 499

Jensen, Tom, 697

Jersey City summit. See 10-10-10-20 plan

Jewish Voices for Justice, 429

Jews, 499, 505

Jindal, Bobby, 755

JOBS Act (proposed), 691, 693

John, Elton, 22

John Birch Society, 106, 133

John Paul II, Pope, 478, 480

Johns Hopkins University, 738

Johnson, Amy, 575

Johnson, Denise, 277, 284

Johnston, Eddie, 145

Johnston, Nancy Bess, 145, 148

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 636-37

Jolles, Noah, 274

Jolles, Seth, 284

Jolles, Stacy, 274, 284

Jones, Marjorie, 56

Journal of Sex Research, 176

“journey stories” ads, 585

Judge, Peter Thomas, 50

Junkin, Carey, 9

Justice Department (DOJ), 3, 15-16, 208,

236, 760

Brown v. Board of Education and, 703-4

Obama and, on DOMA, 628, 638-42,

654-55, 661-71, 686, 699, 716

Obergefell and, 732

racial segregation and, 709

Smelt and, 661, 668

Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,

700, 702-5, 707, 722,731

Index | 889


Kagan, Elena, 233-34, 641, 717


Kamehameha V, King of Hawaii, 85


Kaplan, Roberta, 658-60, 670, 716-18,

721-22, 730-31, 759


Karger, Fred, 497-98, 567-69, 571, 611


Kasich, John, 724


Katami, Paul, 629, 643


Kathy Reep v. Department of Employment and

Training, 249


Katyal, Neal, 669


Kavanaugh, Brett, 761


Keen, Lisa, 221


Keene, David, 144


Kendell, Kate, 169


Kennedy, Anthony, 128, 156, 348-49, 418,

667, 711-16, 719-20, 724, 729, 733-38,

748, 752-53, 758


Kennedy, D. James, 355, 357


Kennedy, John F, 617


Kennedy, Ted, 166, 204, 207, 223-30


Kentucky, 54-56, 61, 727, 730, 737, 752


Kentucky constitutional amendment

(2004), 384


Kerry, John, 227, 382, 480, 675


Keyes, Alan, 676


Kids Ave All Right, The (film), 681-82


Kilbourn, Seth, 382, 446, 448, 466


Kimball, Spencer, 114


Kimbell Sherman Ellis, 290-91


Kimberly Church of God, 754


King, Coretta Scott, 167, 230


King, Martin Luther, Jr, 17, 290, 333, 414,

419, 427, 704


King, Rachel, 414


King & King (de Haan), 508


King & Spalding, 699, 732, 750


Kinsley, Michael, 404—5


Kitchen v. Herbert, 726


Klain, Ron, 640


Kleid, Janin, 743


Klein, Ben, 621


Klein, Calvin, 431


Klein, Robert, 70-75, 80, 82, 85


Knight, Gail, 491


Knight, Pete, 420, 469, 490-91


Knight, Robert H., 137-38


Knight, Tracy, 56


Knights of Columbus, 134, 566, 611


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890 | Index


Koch, Ed, 26-27, 558

Kohl, Helmut, 213-14

Kolbe, Jim, 226

Koppelman, Andrew, 146

Kors, Geoff, 522

Kotlowitz, Alex, 318

Kowalski, Sharon, 170-71

Kramer, Larry, 10, 441

Krehely, Jeff, 683-84, 690

Krishnamoorthi, Raja, 676

Krislov, Marvin, 200-201

Kucinich, Dennis, 678

Ku Klux Klan, 347

Kuralt, Charles, 112

Kurnit, Robert, 249

Kurtz, Stanley, 334


Kyl, Jon, 373


Labor Department, 138, 166, 194, 196


labor unions, 197, 298-99, 437, 690


Lady Gaga, 574


Lafferty, Andrea Sheldon, 349


Lafferty, Jim, 349


LaFontaine, David, 247


LAGAI-Queer Insurrection, 407


Lagon, Patrick, 28-29, 31, 43, 61, 69, 78,

739, 746


LaHaye, Beverly, 133-34


LaHaye, Tim, 133-34, 347


Lake, Celinda, 193-94, 219, 548


Lambda Legal Defense and Education

Fund, 51, 59, 163, 168-78, 206, 251,

256-57, 261, 267, 391-96, 402, 418, 430,

441, 444, 449-50, 459, 471, 540, 621,

623-25, 630, 633, 658-59, 700, 708, 723,

730, 740, 750


Marriage Project and, 396-99, 403,

407-16, 425

Wolfson departs, 419-26


Lambda Line (radio show), 33-34, 40


Land, Richard, 330, 336-38, 350-57,

367-69, 502, 757


Land, Stuart, 46


Landscape Summary grid, 559


Lane, Nathan, 189


Langdon, David R., 381


Langrock, Peter, 268-69


Langrock Sperry & Wool, 258, 266,

268-69, 271

Largent, Steve, 153-56

Lashman, Deborah, 255-56

Latinos, 437, 465, 516, 524, 542, 556, 690

Latter-Day Saints, Church of (LDS;

Mormons), 14, 93-123, 146, 149, 240,

324-26, 397, 469, 484, 498-507, 518-19,

528-29, 567-69, 609-10

Brethren or General Authorities, 109, 116

First Presidency, 104-5, 108, 110, 499,

501, 505

First Quorum of the Seventy, 499

Public Affairs Department, 500-501

Quorum of Seventy, 114

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 108,

111-12, 117, 529

Relief Society, 108-9

Lavender Law, 171, 266, 387, 391-92

Lavender Seniors of the East Bay, 631

Law, Jack, 34-37

LA Weekly, 518

Lawrence, Gary, 502, 505

Lawrence v. Texas, 348-51, 359, 364, 372,

447, 537, 635, 644, 667-68, 713-14,

719-20, 724, 733,735, 752

Lawson, Bill, 101

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights,


Leadership LAB, 521

Lederman, Marty, 638

Lee, Chris, 742, 744

Lee, Paul, 132

Lefevre, Don, 105

Legal Affairs, 309

Lehman, Bruce, 218-19

Lehman, Kathryn, 145, 152, 156

Leibovitz, Annie, 406

Leibsohn, Seth, 361

Leno, Mark, 466

Leonard, Mary, 358

Lesbian and Gay Congressional Staff

Association, 164-65

Lesbian and Gay Litigators’ Roundtable,

9, 171. See also Roundtable (formerly

Sodomy Roundtable)

Lesbian Avengers, 406-7


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Lesotho, 63

Let California Ring (formerly California

Equality Project), 465-66, 516, 541-43,


Letourneau, Marcelle, 618, 621

Let's Talk Straight, Hawaii (radio show), 113

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (King),

290, 414, 704

Leukemia Society, 142

LeVay, Simon, 88

Levi, Jennifer, 304

Levinson, Bernard, 79

Levinson, Dan, 145, 148-49

Levinson, Steven H., 78-79, 81-82, 85-89,


Levi Strauss, 422, 425-26

Levitt, Linda, 276

Lewin, Gregory B., 493

Lewin, John C., 61, 69, 77

Lewis, Anthony, 308

Lewis, Jonathan, 441, 679, 683, 694, 697

Lewis, Patricia, 214

Lewiston, Maine, 581

LGBTQ community. See a/so Defense

of Marriage Act (DOMA, 1996);

discrimination, anti- LGBT; Don’t Ask

Don’t Tell; employment discrimination;

same-sex marriage; specific individuals,

laws, lawsuits, organizations, and policies

ACLU and, 45-57

Arkes memo on, 148

Burress’s campaigns vs., 378

California and, 126, 463

church congregations for, 38-39

Colorado and, 127-28

Congress and, 161-62, 164-66

“gay fatigue” and, 165

gay rights bill of 1994 and, 166

Hawaii and, 32-36, 102

immigration and tax laws and, 3

Miami nondiscrimination bill of 1977

and, 35

military ban and, 423

movement of 1980s, 11

Mychal Judge Act and, 353-54

Oregon and, 127

political clout of, 6, 12-13, 161-62, 487


Index | 891


Romer and, 156-57

Vermont civil-rights bill and, 286-87


libertarians, 150, 604


Liberty Counsel, 644


Liberty University, 356


Libous, Tom, 562


Library of America, 389


Lieberman, Joe, 226


Liebman, Marvin, 424


Life, 49, 170


Life Foundation, 36


LifeWay Christian Resources, 355


LiMandri, Charles, 478-79, 481-82


Lincoln, Abraham, 372


Lindevaldsen, Rena, 644


Lippert, Bill, 288, 292


Liptak, Adam, 729, 732


Little, Thomas, 288-91, 296-97


Little Rock, Arkansas, 4


Lockyer, Bill, 371


Loeb, Daniel, 562


Log Cabin Republicans, 180-86, 191, 354,

403, 456


Long, Reno, 425


Long Beach, California, 472


Look, 49


Lori, William E., 610


Los Angeles County, 50, 402, 472, 511, 516


Los Angeles Freedom to Marry Coalition,



Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community

Services Center, 185, 402-4, 407, 518,

521, 567


Los Angeles Times, 130, 212, 295, 297, 423,

466, 496, 686


“losing forward” concept, 548


Lott, Trent, 228


Lotus Development, 183


Louisiana, 755


Louisiana constitutional amendment

(2004), 383-84


“love and commitment” messaging,

573-74, 587, 659


Love Honor Cherish, 522-23


Loving v. Virginia, 49, 66-67, 252, 278-79,

290, 404, 448, 544, 546, 628, 714, 735


Lowe, Julian, 106


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892 | Index


Lugar, Richard, 130, 165


Luken, Charlie, 379-80


Lum, Herman, 85


Luxembourg, 353


Lynch, John, 579


Lynch, Patrick, 669


Lyndon, Sharyle “Leather,” 37, 41

Lyon, Phyllis, 494


Mackey, Connie, 354, 360

MacKinnon, Catharine, 260

Maddoux, Marlin, 350

Madonna, 357

“Maggie’s Stupid Digression” (Gallagher),


Mahony, Roger, 481

Maine Amendment 1 (2009), 529-33, 535,

538, 577, 580-81

Maine Question | on Marriage (2012),

580-96, 599, 602, 604, 606, 610-12, 698,


Mainers United, 612

“Make Change, Not Lawsuits” (memo),

626, 630

Malcolm, Ellen, 427

Malcolm X, 617

Manchester, Doug, 489, 497, 567

Marbury v. Madison, 638

Marchand, Paul, 413

March on Washington for Gay and

Lesbian Rights

1979, 162-63

1987, 8-9, 38, 162-63, 171

1993, 162-64

March on Washington for Jobs and

Freedom (1963), 333

Marcin, Raymond, 5

Marinelli, Louis J., 569-70

Marks, Robert, 101, 239

marriage. See a/se civil unions; Defense of

Marriage Act (DOMA, 1996); domestic

partnerships; right to marry; same-sex

marriage; specific benefits, individuals, legal

cases, and states

age restrictions and, 93

boom of 1970s, 170

California Jv re Marriage Cases decision

and, 491-92


Cox and Wolfson study of state laws on,


“deinstitutionalization” of, 650

federal definition of, and DOMA, 221,


feminist critique of, 390, 402

Nickles bill to redefine, 151, 156

Perry and definition of, 649-50

Vermont Supreme Court and symbolic

power of, 283

Marriage Amendment Project, 374

MarriageDebate (website), 323, 342-43,


Marriage in America (Council on Families

in America), 320

Marriage Law Foundation, 500

Marriage Law Project, 324-25, 330, 349,

364, 499-500

marriage listserv, 410-11

“Marriage Made Me Gay” (Men and Wife

story), 9

marriage movement, 317—23, 328, 341-44

Marriage Movement: A Statement of Principles,

The (Blankenhorn), 317-18, 322

Marriage Project, 742

Marriage Protection Act (proposed), 359

Marriage Protection Amendment

(proposed), 707. See also Federal

Marriage Amendment (proposed)

Marriage Protection Pledge, 358

“Marriage Protection Resolution, 130-31,


Marriage Protection Week, 356-60

Marriage Research Consortium, 550-54,

573-74, 577, 581, 590-92, 602, 692, 744

“Marriage Resolution” (Wolfson), 673

Marry Me Minnesota, 575-76

Marshall, Margaret H., 299, 308-9, 311, 365

Marshall, Thurgood, 731

Martin, Del, 494

Maryland, 559, 583, 670

Maryland appeals court, 647

Maryland Civil Marriage Protection Act

(2012), 600

Maryland Measure 6 (2012), 697-98

Maryland Question 6 (2013), 600-602,

605, 610, 612

Maryland state legislature, 600


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Massachusetts, 15, 187-88, 252, 326-28,

439, 444-49, 454-55, 463, 465, 529, 547,

561, 578, 588, 654, 735, 751


civil unions and, 374, 618


domestic-partnership ordinances and,



elections of 1988, 457-58


elections of 2008, 488


gay-rights bill (1989), 247, 250, 310


Goodridge and, 298-311, 333, 443, 532,

618, 624, 653-54, 675, 731


same-sex marriages become legal in,

374-78, 388, 494, 508, 653, 669


same-sex marriages in, and DOMA,



Massachusetts Citizens for Marriage, 306


Massachusetts Commission Against

Discrimination, 250


Massachusetts Commission on

Discrimination, 310


Massachusetts constitution


of 1780, 308-10

Goodridge decision and, 365


Massachusetts Constitutional Convention,

306-7, 366-71, 374-75, 455


Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, 308


Massachusetts Democratic Party, 306, 455


Massachusetts Family Institute, 306,

327-28, 366-67, 485


Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political

Caucus, 302, 306-7, 439


Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar

Association, 309


Massachusetts Marriage Affirmation and

Protection Amendment (proposed),

371, 374-75


Massachusetts Protection of Marriage

Amendment (2001), 303, 306-7


Massachusetts state legislature, 298-301,

310, 374-75, 455-56, 485, 488, 621-22


Goodridge decision and, 365-69

state-level DOMA and, 326-27


Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court,

247, 249-50, 298-300, 302, 305, 308-15,

319, 321-22, 342, 349, 356, 359, 364-67,

369, 374, 378, 618, 653-54, 731


Massachusetts v. HHS, 654


MassEquality, 439, 454-55, 588, 618


Index | 893


Mass Resistance, 605


Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil

Rights Commission, 757-58


Matalin, Mary, 354


Maxwell, Neal, 110, 119, 122


McAteer, Ed, 125


McBride, Sarah, 759


McCain, John, 166, 228, 503, 507, 622


McClure, Elizabeth, 606


McClure, John, 606


McConnell, Michael, 46-49, 54


McConnell, Pat Lyn (Jack Baker),

4549, 54


McCurry, Mike, 157, 200, 208, 212,

214-15, 218, 235


McDonald, Patrick Range, 518


McEwan, David, 36, 75-76


McFarlane, Rodger, 440-42, 452


McFeeley, Tim, 167, 182-83, 193


McGeorge School of Law, 713


McGrath, Bill, 154-55, 158


McGrory, Mary, 187


McKay, Molly, 464


McKeand, Kim, 751


McKenna, Sabrina, 748


McKenzie, Gregory, 260


McKinney, George, 475


McLaughlin, John, 562


McNeil Wilson Communications, 115,



McPherson, Mike, 496-97, 528


McTighe, Matt, 535, 580-82, 586-88, 612


Meaning of Marriage Act (MOMA, /ater

DOMA), 138-40, 152. See also Defense

of Marriage Act (DOMA, 1996)


Medicaid, 197


Medicare, 177


prescription-drug benefit, 368-69


Meet in the Middle, 523


Meet the Press, 372,693


megachurches, 133, 388


Mehlman, Ken, 368, 560-62, 564, 707


Melcher, Michael F, 206, 620


Melillo, Joseph K., 28-29, 31, 37, 43, 61,

66, 69, 78, 739, 746


Mellman, Mark, 219


Mello, Amy, 580, 588


Men and Wife (newsletter), 9


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894 | Index


Menino, Tom, 298

Merit Systems Protection Board, 619

Messiah’s Congregation (Brooklyn), 145

Messiah's Mandate, 145, 148

Messina, Jim, 636, 663, 688-92, 695

Metropolitan Community Church

(Hawaii), 34, 38-39, 41, 43

Mexican American Legal Defense and

Education Fund, 252, 472

Mexican-American War, 504

Mexico, 559

Miami, 35

Michaels, Steven, 102

Michigan, 138-39, 725, 727-35, 759

Obergefell and, 737,752

Windsor and, 720-21, 723

Michigan Marriage Initiative (Proposal 2,

2004), 382-84

Michigan Right-to-Life, 177

Michigan state legislature, 176-77, 179

Micronesia, 64

Microsoft, 627-28

Milano, Benjamin, 749

Milbank, Dana, 694


Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and, 163-65, 175,

179, 195-98, 205, 209, 636-37, 663-64,

679-80, 682-83, 695

HIV and, 197

LGBTQ excluded from, 40, 45, 71, 138,

163-64, 167

LGBTQ in, 422-24

same-sex marriage and, 583

Milk, Harvey, 8, 36, 443

Miller, Zell, 147

Milne, Marion, 295

Milton, Vermont, 272

Milwaukee Fournal, 9

mini-DOMAs, 264, 379, 420, 469, 533. See

also specific states

Minneapolis conference for gay and

lesbian lawyers (2004), 387-89

Minnesota, 46-49, 54, 61, 171, 443, 568,

574-77, 635, 727-28


Minnesota Amendment 1 (2012), 583, 587,


590-99, 602-5, 610-13, 694, 698, 723

Minnesota Civil Liberties Union

(MCLU), 47-48


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Minnesota constitutional amendment

attempts of 2004-11, 575-77


Minnesotans Catholic Conference

Marriage Defense Fund, 610


Minnesotans for Marriage, 605, 610


Minnesotans Talking to Minnesotans

project, 595-97


Minnesotans United for All Families,

576-77, 587, 594-97, 603-6, 612-13


Minnesota OurVote2000 campaign, 434


Minnesota Public Radio, 575


Minnesota state legislature, 575-76, 613


DOMA bill of 1997, 575

same-sex marriage legalized by, 723


Minnesota Supreme Court, 48, 575, 735


Miss Gay Molokai Pageant, 65


Mission Control, 596


Mission Public Affairs, 607


Mississippi, 139, 448, 590


Mississippi Amendment 26 (2011),

590-91, 598


Mississippians for Healthy Families, 590


Mississippi Community Service Corps,



Mississippi constitutional amendment

(2004), 384


Missouri, 94, 727, 732


Missouri constitutional amendment

(2004), 382-83


Missouri Synod Lutherans, 118


Miss USA pageant, 528, 566


Mitchell, Shawn, 435


Mixner, David, 6, 233


Mizuguchi, Norman, 240


MN forward, 568


Moats, David, 293


Mondale, Walter, 421


Monserrate, Hiram, 557


Monson, Quin, 106


Monson, Thomas S., 503


Montana, 748


Montana constitutional amendment

(2004), 384, 749


Monterey, 543


Moon, Ronald, 80-82, 84-88, 741


Moon, Sun Myung, 38


Moore, Roy, 754


moral disapproval, 717-18


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| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 895


Moral Mapority, Inc., 33, 134, 356


Moral Majority of Hawaii, 33


Mormongate (website), 568


Mormons. See Latter-Day Saints, Church

of (LDS; Mormons)


Mormon Times, 529


Morning Foe (TV show), 755


Morris, Dick, 12-13, 210, 237


Morris, Robert, 76


Morse, James L., 282-83


Moses, Herb, 182


Moss, Josh, 203


Moss, Randolph D., 207


Mossier, Kevin J., Foundation, 543


Mosteller, Brian, 681


Mount Soledad Cross, 476, 478


Movement Advancement Project, 453, 552


MSNBC, 755


MTV Video Music Awards, 357


Muir, Leo J., 504


Mullins, David, 757-58


Multnomah County, Oregon, 377, 445


Munson, Lee, 4-5


Murray, Bill, 517


Murray, Ed, 601


Murray, Susan, 258-78, 281-85, 289-93,

296, 301, 303


Musgrave, Marilyn, 359-64, 368, 372-74,

384, 436-37


Mushovic, Ineke, 552


Mutty, Marc, 610-11


Mychal Judge Act (2002), 353-54


Myers, Beth, 369, 376

Nadler, Jerrold, 680, 681


National Affairs Briefing Convention, 125


National Association for the Advancement

of Colored People (NAACP), 429,



Legal Defense Fund, 169


National Association of Evangelicals, 118,



National Campaign to Protect Marriage,

125, 128, 181, 192, 349, 378


National Cancer Institute, 88


National Catholic Reporter, 480


National Center for Lesbian Rights

(NCLR), 169, 407, 471, 623, 633


Index | 895


National Coalition of Gay Organizations,



National Collaborative, 463, 534, 536,



National Coming Out Day, 183


National Commission on America’s Urban

Families, 317


National Fatherhood Initiative, 317


National Federation of Independent

Business, 147


National Football League, 153


National Gay and Lesbian Law

Association, 391


National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

(NGLTF), 11, 35, 162, 174, 184-85, 196,

4034, 422, 424, 430, 440-41, 454, 464,

519, 561


Policy Institute, 441, 542


National Fournal, 692


National Law fournal, 417


National Lesbian and Gay Journalists

Association, 199


National Organization for Marriage

(NOM), 485-88, 527-31, 538, 545,

566-72, 577-78, 584, 587, 595, 601-12,

627, 648, 652, 707, 725-26


California chapter, 488-89, 491


National Organization for the

Advancement of Gay and Lesbian

Couples, 38


National Organization for Women

(NOW), 133, 252, 403


National Press Club, 332, 333


National Republican Congressional

Committee (NRCC), 185-86


National Review, 334, 363, 484, 566, 725


National Review Online, 343


National Rifle Association (NRA),

143-44, 147, 188


National Right to Life Committee, 94,

118, 129, 146, 154


National Union of South African

Students, 308


Native American Church, 337


natural law, 129, 146, 330, 485


Nazis, Skokie march and, 42, 443


NBC News, 690


Nebraska, 422, 624


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896 | Index


Nebraska constitutional amendment

(2000), 379, 420, 534, 624

Nebraska Family Council, 420

Nelson, Ashan, 37

Nelson, Gerald, 46

Nemitz, Bill, 611

Nessel, Dana, 721, 723, 730

Netherlands, 334

Neuwirth, Steve, 201

Nevada, 106, 533, 725-26

Neville, Philip, 47

“New Congress and Grassroots America”

panel (1995), 135

New England, 251, 261

New Family Structures Study, 651-52,


New Hampshire, 529, 533

civil unions and, 578-79

same-sex marriage bill (2009), 559, 570,

578-79, 655

New Hampshire Freedom to Marry

Coalition, 578-79

New Hampshire primaries

of 2004, 368

of 2012, 578

New Jersey, 409, 417, 448, 528, 530, 556

civil unions, 530, 742

elections of 2007 and, 487-88

same-sex marriage bill vetoed, 600

New Jersey Supreme Court, 417, 487, 724

New Mexico, 371, 377, 547, 724, 758

New Mexico Supreme Court, 724

New Paltz, New York, 377, 445

New Republic, 146, 320, 404-6

New Right, 132, 144

NewsHour (TV show), 343

Newsom, Gavin, 370-72, 445, 471, 494,


Newsweek, 199, 219, 224, 296, 350, 609, 732

New Testament, 133

New York City, 26-27, 35, 57-58, 402, 560

domestic partnerships and, 404

New York City Fire Department, 353

New York Civil Liberties Union, 172

New York Conservative Party, 531, 564

New Yorker, 627

New Yorkers United for Marriage,

560-63, 571


| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 896


New York magazine, 699


New York Native, 35


New York Post, 320


New York Rangers, 584


New York State, 377, 413, 444-45, 448,

528, 530-31, 556, 560-66, 570, 583,



New York State Constitution, 563


New York State Court of Appeals, 57, 200,

646-47, 658


New York State Democratic Committee,



New York State legislature, 487, 531,

555-66, 570, 578


New York State Marriage Equality Act

(2011), 558-66, 570, 578, 584, 599-600,

685, 687


New York Times, 6, 47, 50, 57, 126, 166, 183,

212, 221, 229, 236, 308, 316, 323, 334,

353-54, 357, 367, 392, 395, 413-14, 441,

486, 497, 522, 527, 571, 602, 605, 607,

629, 631, 651, 654, 668, 691, 697, 729,



Magazine, 188, 688

“Weddings” page, 357, 619


New York University, 541


New York Yankees, 628


Nichols, Benjamin, 413


Nickles, Don, 131-40, 151-57, 226-27,



Niederauer, George, 481-82, 503, 505


Nielsen, Norm, 179, 396


Nienstedt, John, 610


“1992 Presidential Candidates” (HRCF

voter guide), 7


Nixon, Richard, 363


No on 1 /Protect Maine Equality, 580


No on 8 campaign (California), 508-9,

515-26, 538, 547-49, 567, 596, 607


No on 36 campaign (Oregon), 517


No on Knight campaign (California), 519


Normal Heart, The (Kramer), 10


Norquist, Grover, 144


Norris, William, 71, 73


North American Man Boy Love

Association, 347


Northampton, Massachusetts, 298, 304


North Carolina, 106, 689-90, 759


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| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 897


North Carolina Amendment | (2012), 583,

694-95, 697


North Dakota constitutional amendment

(2004), 384


Northeastern University Law School, 248


Notre Dame University, 146


Oahu, 32, 34, 36-38, 115-16

Oakland, 472

Oaks, Dallin, 110-12, 118, 326

Obama, Barack, 15-16, 457, 493, 515-16,

536, 542, 578, 583, 635-38, 743, 753

birth certificate and, 672

Constitutional Law class by, 666-67

DOMA and, 638-41, 654-55, 661-71,

676, 680, 686

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and, 636-37,

663-64, 679-80, 682, 695

evolution of, on same-sex marriage,


nondiscrimination executive order and,

683-84, 690

Obergefell and, 732, 734, 753

same-sex backed by, 694-98

State of the Union of 2012 and, 691

Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,

701-5, 708-10, 722, 734, 744

Obama, Michelle Robinson, 673

Obergefell, James, 721, 724

Obergefell v. Hodges, 16, 721, 724-25, 728-38,


O’Brien, Miles, 192

Ocamb, Karen, 515, 518

O’Connell, Jack, 509

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 128

O'Donnell, Anthony, 600

O'Donnell, Danny, 560, 562, 564

Office of Legal Counsel, 638, 641-42

Office of Management and Budget

(OMB), 214

Office of Public Engagement, 640

Office of the Solicitor General, 669

Official Gay and Lesbian Pride Week

Association of Oahu, 36-38

Ogilvy Public Relations, 518

Ohio, 689, 725, 727-28

Obergefell and, 724, 737, 752

Windsor and, 720-21, 724


Index | 897


Ohio Campaign to Protect Marriage, 380,



Ohio Issue 1 (2004), 377-84, 706


Ohio OurVote2000 campaign, 434


Ohio state legislature, 379


Ohio State University, 381


Oklahoma, 131-32, 139, 146, 153, 164,

448, 726


Oklahoma constitutional amendment

(2004), 384


Old Testament, 133


Oliphant, Lincoln, 137-39, 151, 154, 156


Olson, Ted, 626, 628-34, 643-46, 653, 656,

702, 714-15


O'Malley, Martin, 600-601, 608, 670


Onaka, Alvin T., 65, 672


ONE, 8, 10


One Iowa, 459-60


Ontario Court of Appeal, 349


Open Society Institute, 439


Operation Rescue, 130


Oprah (TV show), 739


Opus Dei, 486


Oral Roberts University Law School, 96


Orange County Register, 498


Oregon, 445, 549-50


Oregon constitution, 377


Oregon Measure 9, 127, 337, 588, 594


Oregon Measure 36 (2004), 383-84, 516,

533, 548, 583, 587-88


O'Reilly, Michelle, 483, 488


Orthodox Judaism, 327


Oshiro, Blake, 742


Osprey Point Leadership Center, 319,



Otterson, Michael R., 503, 505


Our Families Coalition, 631, 633, 646,



OurVote2000 project, 434


Out, 137, 189


OutFront Minnesota, 575


OutGiving, 427-28, 431, 436, 441, 451-56.

See also “Cabinet, the”


Out in the Mountains, 254, 256-57,



Outlines, 673-74, 676


Out/ Look, 172-73, 256


OutVote 96, 219-20


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898 | Index

OutVote 2000, 438 Perry v. Brown. See Perry v. Schwarzenegger,

Owens, Bill, 452 Hollingsworth v. Perry

Oxford University, 337 Perry v. Schwarzenegger, 628-34, 643-56,

659-60, 662, 668, 700, 714. See also

Padavan, Frank, 557 Hollingsworth v. Perry

Paladino, Carl, 558 Petrelis, Michael, 517

Palau Supreme Court, 751 Pew Research Center, 388, 603

Palin, Sarah, 664 Pfeiffer, Dan, 682, 685, 687, 689, 695

Panetta, Leon, 200, 211, 217, 234 Philadelphia, 332

Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians Philadelphia Inquirer, 322

and Gays, 403, 631 Philanthropy, 432

Parker, David, 605-7 Phillips, Jack C., 757-58

Parker, Sean, 684 Pidgeon v. Turner, 756

Parker, Tonia, 605 Pignanelli, Frank, 397

partial-birth abortion ban, 135, 140, 146, Pink Triangle Bowling League, 263

154-56, 348 Pitt, Brad, 611

Partington, Earle, 64 Pitts, Joe, 330, 363

Partington & Foley, 63-65, 77 Pizer, Jenny, 623, 630-31

passports, 618, 620, 641 Planned Parenthood, 551, 590, 691

Pastors Rapid Response Team, 476, 496, Platner, Jan, 251

510 Playboy Foundation, 49

Paterson, David, 556, 558 Plessy v. Ferguson, 665,704, 709

Patrick, Deval, 654 Plouffe, David, 636, 679-80, 689-95

Patrick Henry College, 374 police, death benefits and, 353

© Paxon, Bill, 186 police entrapment tactics, 45

PayPal, 759 Policy Review, 125

PBS, 23, 66, 101, 318, 343 Polikoff, Nancy, 171

Peace Corps, 63, 390 Polis, Jared, 436-37, 681

Pease, Katherine, 427, 429-31 Political OutGiving, 455-59

Pederson v. Office of Personal Management, Politico, 557, 679

659-60, 668 Polk County, Iowa, 459

Pellegrini, Larry, 147 Poll 4 Equality, 523

Pelosi, Nancy, 370, 692 polygamy, 110, 343-44, 644

Pennsylvania, 434, 556, 689, 725, Polynesian Cultural Center, 115

732 pornography, 378

pension benefits, 5, 242, 273 Portland, Oregon, 377

Pentecostal Church, 39, 755 Portland Press Herald, 611

People for the American Way, 179, Portman, Rob, 706-8, 711

252 Portman, Will, 706

Pepperdine University, 508 Portugal, 559

Perez v. Sharp, 278-79, 448-49 Powell, Colin, 116

Perkins, Tony, 360, 363, 371 Powell, H. Jefferson, 207

Perkins, Will, 430 Powell, Lewis, 66-67

permanent residence status, 50 powers of attorney, 309

Perry, Kassy, 518 Pregil, Antoinette “Toni,” 28, 31, 69,

Perry, Kris, 628-29, 643 78-79, 739, 746

Perry, Troy, 39, 41 Prejean, Carrie, 528, 569

Perry Communications Group, 518 Prentice, Ron, 491, 498, 511


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| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 899


Presbyterian Church, 126, 315, 485


“Preserving Traditional Marriage and

Strengthening Families” (LDS), 499


Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/

AIDS, 233


Price, Warren, 61, 72


Pride Month, 584, 684


Pride parades, 32, 36-37, 474


Pride Week, 41, 353


“Princes” ad, 508-9, 517, 525, 591-93


Princeton Alumni Weekly, 485


Princeton Theological Seminary, 485


Princeton University, 330, 338, 485, 651


prisoners, marriage rights of, 665


probate proceedings, 292


Procter & Gamble, 380


Pro-Family Breakfast (1993), 135


pro-family movement, 125, 134


“Pro-Gay, Pro-Family Policy, A” (Rauch),



pro-life movement, 154, 362, 590-91


property ownership, 309, 677


Proposition 22 Legal Defense and

Education Fund, 470-72, 491-92


prostitution, 120-21


Protect Marriage Coalition, 470, 471, 491-93, 498, 507,

511, 567, 606, 700


Protect Our Constitution, 24, 433


Providence Fournal, 569


Provincetown, Massachusetts, 298


Pryor, David, 229-30


Pryor, Mark, 229-30


PTL Satellite Network, 357


public accommodations discrimination,

161, 417


public education campaign, 544, 573-74,

578, 580-95, 601, 725


public opinion, 14-15, 261, 416, 463-67,

493-94, 523, 535-37, 546-54, 559-60,

565, 584-85, 603, 651, 685


Public Policy Institute of California, 464,



Public Policy Polling (PPP), 697


Puerto Rican Defense Fund, 169


Puerto Rico, 424


Pugno, Andy, 490-91


Pulaski County, Arkansas, 4


Index | 899


Punahou School, 35

Puppolo, Angelo, Jr., 488

Puterbaugh, Holly, 273-74


QuarkXPress, 428-29, 431-32, 457


Quayle, Dan, 6


Queens, New York, 557, 563


Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (TV show),



Queer Town Meeting, 257, 261-62, 266


Question One (documentary film), 610


Quincy Patriot Ledger, 619


Quinn, Jack, 3-4, 11-12, 199, 202-3, 205,

207-8, 211,217, 234

Rabbinical Council of America, 118


Raben, Robert, 164


racial discrimination, 11, 66, 127, 465, 666,

703, 709


racial segregation, 665-66, 709, 734. See

also interracial marriage


Racicot, Marc, 347


Racine, Doug, 287


Radloff, David, 604


Raghavan, Gautam, 681, 687


Ramsey, Tom, 77, 241


Rankin, J. Lee, 703-4, 709-10


Raphael, Kate, 407


“rational basis” standard of scrutiny, 645,



Ratzinger, Joseph (Benedict XVI), 480


Rauch, Jonathan, 323, 343


Raytheon, 684


Reader's Digest, 4, 11, 120-21


Reagan, Ronald, 52, 104, 106-7, 116,

125-26, 133-34, 142, 152, 162, 259, 316,

330-31, 351-52, 481, 497, 713


reciprocal beneficiaries, 242


recognition cases, 656-57


Rediker, Jeanette, 585


Rediker, Paul, 585


Red Shovel Christmas tree farm, 273


Red Wing, Donna, 240, 242-43, 439,



Reed, Ralph, 125-26, 134-36


Reep, Kathy, 249


Regnerus, Mark, 652, 725-26


Reich, Robert, 138


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900 | Index


Reid, Harry, 227


Reid, Stuart C., 118


Reilly, Evelyn, 367


Reilly, Tom, 374-75


Reiner, Michele, 623-24, 626, 629, 631


Reiner, Rob, 623-24, 626, 629, 631


Reitman, Alan, 54


religious conservatives, 125-26, 131-49,

317-18, 320, 323, 325, 333-38, 347, 353,

355, 365, 368-69, 384, 473-77, 483-85,

488-89, 493, 495, 651, 653. See also

evangelicals; specific denominations and



religious freedom, 527-28, 604-6, 756


Religious Freedom Amendment,

proposed, 337-38


Religious Freedom Restoration Act (1993),

337, 713


religious institutions, 563-64


Religious Roundtable, 125


reparative therapy, 378


Report, The, 125


Reporting Civil Rights (Carson), 389


“Report of the 1985 ACLU Biennial

Conference,” 54


reproductive rights, 27, 31


Republican National Committee, 136,

347, 365, 560, 607


Republican National Convention (1992),



Republican Policy Committee, 134-38,

139, 151, 155, 156


Respect for Marriage Act, 536, 680-81,



reverse-severability clause, 563


Reynolds v. United States, 110


Rhode Island, 251-52, 528, 559, 569, 669,



Rhodes, Pam, 438


Rice, Charles, 146


Rich, Frank, 527, 651


Richard, Paul, 220


Richter, Roz, 426


Ridder /Braden, 434


Riddle, Tom, 38


Rights Equal Rights, 568-69


“Rights of Gays and Lesbians”

(Rubenstein and Coles), 58


| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 900


right to marry, 396, 664-65

double standards cases vs., 657

Obergefell and, 752

Wolfson on, 391, 396

right to privacy, 45, 80, 95, 391, 714

Alaska and, 415

Baebr and, 394

Bowers v. Hardwick and, 66

Griswold and, 95

Hawaii Constitution and, 67, 71-74, 80

Roe v. Wade and, 95

Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,


Rios, Sandy, 339, 348, 350, 354, 356, 358,

360-61, 367, 378-79

Ripston, Ramona, 623

Rittgers, Rebecca, 444, 450

Rivers-McMahon, Pasha, 259-60

Rivers-McMahon, Penny, 259

“Roadmap to Victory” (Freedom to Marry

strategy), 544, 559

Roberts, John, 635, 712-13, 716-18,

735-36, 752-53

Roberts, Robin, 695-96, 708-9, 732

Robertson, Pat, 118, 298

Robinson, Beth, 259-85, 289-94, 296, 301,


Rochester, New York, 563

Rockefeller, Nelson, 427

Rockefeller Foundation, 425

Rodrigues, Tammy, 28, 31, 69, 78-79, 739,


Roe v. Wade, 49, 94-95, 118, 129, 142, 176,

361-62, 481-82, 590, 727, 756-57

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of

Washington, 329

Romania, 353

Roman penal code, 66

Romer, Roy, 201

Romero, Anthony, 443

Romer v. Evans, 127-30, 148, 156-57, 537,

635, 657, 667-68, 713-14, 720, 733,


Romney, Ann, 502

Romney, George, 501

Romney, Mitt, 365-66, 369, 374-76, 484,

500-503, 609-10, 654, 697

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 197


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| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 901


Rorex, Clela, 50


Rosehill, Linda, 115, 121-23


Rosen, Hilary, 217, 441, 701


Rosenbaum, Mark, 623, 626


Rosenthal, Eric, 163


Ross, James, 434


Rotello, Gabriel, 242, 243


Rounds, Charlie, 451, 543


Roundtable (formerly Sodomy Roundtable),

9, 15, 51, 60, 447, 167-71, 174-77,

251, 269, 301, 395, 410, 443-44, 447,

630, 658. See also Ad-Hoc Task Force

to Challenge Sodomy Laws (formerly

Sodomy Roundtable)


Rouse, Marty, 454-55


Rove, Karl, 318, 352, 354-55, 367-69, 456


Rowse, Jayne, 720


Royce, Shannon, 484


Rubenfeld, Abby, 53, 170-71, 256, 393


Rubenstein, Bill, 57-58, 60-62, 175, 536


Rubin, Peter J., 373


Ruemmler, Kathryn, 638-39, 661-64, 668,

670-71, 695, 701-2


Ruffini, Patrick, 607


Rush, Bobby, 674


Russo, Sal, 469, 498


Rutherford Institute, 100-101


Rutland Herald, 291, 293


Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS

Resources Emergency Act (1990), 162,



Sacramento Bee, 518


Sacramento County Superior Court,



Saddleback Church, 679


Sakharov, Andrei, 328


Saland, Stephen, 564-65


Salem Radio Network, 357


Salk Institute, 88


Salt Lake City, 109, 116, 118


Salt Lake City Council, 118


Salt Lake City Winter Olympics (2002),

307, 500-502


Salt Lake Tribune, 105, 504, 505


“Same-Gender Marriage: Crossing the

Threshold” (West Hollywood town hall,

1996), 399-401, 404, 406-7, 409


Index | 901


same-sex marriage. See also Defense of


Marriage Act (DOMA, 1996); Federal

Marriage Amendment (proposed);

specific campaigns, individuals, lawsuits,

organizations, and states


ACLU and, 7, 40-57, 168


adoption as substitute for, 48


Alaska and, 297


Arkansas and, 4-5


Arkes vs., 128-29, 148


Arlington Group and, 349-69, 372,

378-79, 384


Asbury Park and, 377


Baker v. Nelson case on, 46—49


Barr’s congressional initiative vs.,



benefits issue and, 67


Bernalillo, New Mexico, and, 377


Bible and, 48


Bonauto and, 247-57, 266-67, 269, 272,

276, 282, 284, 291, 295-311, 319, 375,

417, 443-47, 617-25, 628-29, 641-42,

653-70, 721-24, 726, 730-33, 735


Boulder and, 50


branded as “marriage equality,” 15


Brides magazine on, 357


Bush II and, 15, 354, 367-69, 372


Buttigieg and, 759-60


California excludes (1977), 50


California Jv re Marriage Cases decision

and, 491-92


California law allowing (2008), 463-66,

469-72, 494-95


California Proposition 8 vs., 478-79,

488-511, 515-26


California Supreme Court and, 471-77,



Catholic Church vs., 118-23, 325, 405,



civil unions vs., 310, 602-4


Clinton and, 3-4, 7, 157-58, 199-218


CNN on, 192


Concerned Women and two-pronged

approach to, 378-79


Connecticut and, 655-56


Daniels and Alliance for Marriage vs.,

327-35, 341


Dean case in DC and, 59


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902 | Index


same-sex marriage (continued)


debate on, in LGBT community, 9-10,

16-17, 39-40, 58, 171-75, 188, 256-57,

389, 392, 402-10, 422-23


DOMA enacted, 11-15, 131-58, 178-79,

204-38, 324, 334, 379, 617-19


DOMA struck down, 719-22


domestic partnerships vs., 62, 410-12


donors and, 250-52


early history of, 5-10, 14, 54, 238


elections of 1992 and, 192-93


elections of 1996 and, 130-31


elections of 2004 and, 383


employment discrimination vs., 5


ERA fight and, 5


Family and Medical Leave Act and,



Federal Marriage Amendment vs.,

proposed, 15, 325-39, 344-45, 362-69,

372-73, 378-79, 382, 384


foreign countries and, 334, 559, 733


Freedom to Marry Coalition formed,



Freedom to Marry’s research on, 546-54


Freedom to Marry’s state campaigns and,

558-60, 576-81, 583-614


Gabbard’s activism vs., 112-14, 123-25


Gallagher’s activism vs., 341-45, 364-65,



Gathering Storm ads vs., 527


Georgia and, 147, 384


Gill donor circle and, 16-17, 440-42,

450, 452-54


Hawaii and, 102, 167, 297, 419, 737-48


Hawaii Baebr case and, 11, 27-31, 38-44,

60-89, 93-94, 101-3, 129, 145, 238-40,



Hawaii ballot question and, 243


Hawaii first strategy and, 411-16


Hawaii legislature and, 240-43


Hawaii’s Future Today vs., 120-23


Hawaii state legislature and, 113-14, 117,



Human Rights Campaign and, 192-94,

221, 440-42, 446, 462


Institute for American Values and,



Iowa and, 570-72


Jean and, 402-3, 407


Kentucky and, 384


Lambda Legal and, 392-96


Lawrence v. Texas decision and, 349


law review articles and, 95-98, 100


LGBT town halls of 1996 and, 406-7


lone plaintiffs and, 54


losses of 2004 and, 462


Louisiana and, 383, 384


Maine and, 580-82, 585-89, 599, 602


Maryland and, 600-602


Massachusetts as first state to authorize,

15, 374-77, 388, 446


Massachusetts Goodridge case and,

298-311, 319


Massachusetts Goodridge decision and,

364-70, 374-76


MCLU and job discrimination vs., 47


Metropolitan Community Church and

“holy union” vows, 39, 41


Michigan and, 383, 384


mini-DOMAs and, 379. See also specific



Minnesota and, 574-78, 587-98, 602-5


Mississippi and, 384


Missouri and, 382-83


Montana and, 384


Mormon (LDS) church vs., 93-123, 146,

149, 324-25, 498-506, 528-29, 567-69


National Collaborative and, 463


National Organization for Marriage

vs., 485-89, 491, 528-31, 538, 566-72,

577-78, 608-609


Netherlands and, 334


New Hampshire and, 655-56


New Jersey and, 487


New Paltz and, 377


New York campaign of 2009-2011,

556-66, 570


New York State Assembly and, 487


NGLTF and coordination of efforts

around, 403-4


Nickles bill vs., 138-40, 151-56


No on 8 loss on, evaluated, 515-26


North Dakota and, 384


New York Times Weddings page and, 357


Obama’s evolution on, 15-16, 640, 666,



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| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 903


Obama’s support for, announced,



Obergefell and, 16, 721, 724-38, 749-58,



Ohio and, 377-84


Oklahoma and, 384


Olson and Boies take on, in Perry, 623-34,

643-46, 653, 656, 700-702, 714-15


Ontario and, 349


Oregon and, 383, 384


permanent residence status and, 50-51


Portland, Oregon, and, 377


public opinion on, 12, 14-15, 388,

396-97, 546-54


recognition of, in other states, 656-57


religious conservatives and, 131—49


Rove and, 355


San Francisco and, 370-72, 377, 445


Sheldon vs., 128-30


Sobelsohn’s nightmare scenario, and

Congress of 1994, 178-86


Sodomy Roundtable working group on,



state amendments vs., 378-83, 387-88,

398, 415-16, 439-50, 501, 533


Sullivan and, 404-7


Supreme Court case on, foreseen, 635-36


Supreme Court denies review of Baker v.

Nelson and, 49


symbolic weddings and, 38-40


10-10-10-20 plan and, 443-52, 462-66,

517, 532-38, 543-44, 547, 555, 583, 599,

624-25, 656-57, 669, 727


tiered scrutiny and, 665-69


Trump and, 16


Utah and, 383, 384, 396-398


Vermont civil unions and, 13, 255-98,



Vermont enacts, 655-56


Washington State and, 600, 605


Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,

658-59, 668, 670, 700-731, 733


Wolfson and, 158, 168-69, 175, 177-78,

206, 244, 250-51, 387-426, 443-50,

463-64, 466, 517, 539-49, 559-60,

573-74, 578-80, 584, 612, 620-21, 649,

673, 684, 725, 750


Woods and, 38-43


Index | 903


Same-Sex Marriage: Pro and Con (Sullivan),


Sanders, Bernie, 266

Sanders, Jerry, 474-76, 483

Sanders, Lisa, 474-75

San Diego, 472-83, 488, 493, 497, 511

San Diego Catholic Diocese, 478-79

San Diego Christian College, 528

San Diego City Council, 472-76

San Diego Union-Tribune, 475

Sandoval County, New Mexico, 371,


San Francisco, 36, 53, 402, 407, 425-26,

472, 494, 633-34

Newsom marriage licenses and, 370-72,

377, 445, 471, 491, 494

San Francisco Chronicle, 466, 505, 509

San Francisco Examiner, 210

San Jose, California, 472

Santa Barbara, California, 542—43

Santa Cruz County, California, 472

Santorum, Rick, 347, 373

“Sarah Palin Test,” 664

Sartain, J. Peter, 610

Sartre, Jovanne, 37

Sausalito, California, 67

Sawyer, Diane, 366

“Say ‚ÄòI Do, Mr. President” campaign, 684,


Scalia, Antonin, 349-50, 702, 714, 720,

724,727, 735, 752

Schaeffer, Judith, 179

Schake, Kristina, 623, 627, 629, 643

Schattschneider, E. E., 15

Schlafly, Phyllis, 5, 106, 347

Schlissel, Steve, 145

Schmidt, John R., 207

schools, public, 6, 35, 126, 133, 508-9, 517,

527, 604-6, 612

desegregation of, 703-4, 709-10

prayer and, 337

Schreiber, Stephen, 606

Schroeder, Pat, 222

Schubert, Frank, 492-93, 505-10, 524, 530,

602, 604-8, 610-12

Schubert Flint, 492-94, 530, 607

Schuette, Bill, 728, 732

Schuman, David, 270


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904 | Index


Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 372, 463-64, 469,

472, 507, 662, 743

Schwingham mer, Kelly, 613

science-based messaging, 573-74

Science of Identity Foundation, 112

Scopes trial, 239, 485, 757

Scott, George, 46

Scott, Marsha, 3-4, 12, 155, 195-96,

199-213, 215, 219, 231

Scottsdale, Arizona, 325-26, 333, 500

Scozzafava, Dede, 531

Seattle, 54-55

Seattle Accord (1999), 441

Second Amendment, 558

Secret Service, 641

Sekulow, Jay, 130

Semisovereign People, The (Schattschneider),


Sensenbrenner, James, 359, 399

Sentelle, David, 259

September 11, 2001 attacks, 353, 620

Sessions, Jeff, 373

1776 (musical), 539

Seventh-Day Adventists, 118, 329, 499

sex discrimination

Alaska and, 415

Hawaii and, 86-88

sexism, 403

Sexual Identity Center. See Gay

and Lesbian Community Center


sexually transmitted diseases, 402

sexual orientation. See also


Civil Rights Act and, 161

discrimination on basis of, 31, 34-35.

See also discrimination, anti-LGBT;

employment discrimination; housing

discrimination; other specific types

preference vs., 53

Shahar, Robin, 200

Shahar v. Bowers, 200

Shaw, Kate, 662

Shea, Thomas A., 214-15

Sheen, Martin, 684

Shelburne, Vermont, 272-73

Shelby, Robert J., 724-25

Sheldon, Andrea, 134, 148, 349


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Sheldon, Louis, 126-30, 133-34, 148, 154,

156, 349


Sherrill, Kenneth, 542


Shoal of Time (Daws), 89


Shor, David, 695, 697


Shows, Ronnie, 358-59


Shriver, Maria, 662


Shuping, Ron, 355


Sides, John, 697


Signorile, Michelangelo, 137


Silicon Valley, 184, 189


Silk Flowers Project, 454


Silver, Nate, 688


Simas, David, 689, 692, 697


Simon, Amy, 523, 554, 585-86, 591-92,

601, 604


Simpson, W. Scott, 639, 654


Singer, Andrew, 561


Singer, John, 54-55


Singer, Paul, 560-62, 564, 578, 611


Sister Act (mvusical), 685


60 Minutes (TV show), 16


Skelos, Dean G., 562-65


Skokie, Mlinois, 42, 443


Skyline Wesleyan Church, 476, 478, 482,



Slouching Towards Gomorrah (Bork), 331


Smart Marriages Conference, 323


Smelt, Arthur, 625, 637-38


Smelt v. United States, 637-40, 642, 654, 661,

668, 680


Smith, Bill, 456-59, 461, 555, 557-58,

560-61, 571


Smith, David M., 189, 221, 224, 228-29,

236, 243


Smith, Joseph, 109, 111, 503


Smith, Robert S., 647


Smith, Steve, 518


Smith, Wayne, 162


Smith, William French, 638


Snyder, Rick, 720


So, Judy, 80


Sobelsohn, David, 167, 174-80, 221, 250,



Socarides, Richard, 12-13, 194, 196,

201, 204-5, 208, 210, 212-16, 223-24,

229-30, 232-37


“social modeling” concept, 585


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| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 905


Social Science Research, 725


Social Security, 39, 151, 619, 677


sodomy laws, 9-10, 34, 47, 51, 66-67


Sodomy Roundtable (Ad-Hoc Task

Force to Challenge Sodomy Laws), 51,

60, 447. See also Roundtable (formerly

Sodomy Roundtable)


Soka Gakkai, 65


Solmonese, Joe, 517, 679


Soloff, Sharon, 54, 56


Solomon, Mare, 522, 555-56, 559-61,

577-78, 583, 588-89, 725-26


“Some Notes on Our Current Crisis”

(Arkes), 148


“Some Objections to Same-Sex Marriage”

(Wardle), 112


Soref, Jeff, 212, 458, 686


Soros, George, 439


Sorrell, William, 275-76


Sotomayor, Sonia, 635-36, 668, 715


Souter, David, 635


South Africa, 309


South Burlington, Vermont, 272


South Dakota, 179


Southern Baptist Convention, 39, 329, 330,

336-37, 350, 355, 357-58, 383, 499,



Southern California Christian Times, 475


Southern Evangelical Seminary, 757


speaking complaint, 659


Speaking Frankly (Frank), 186-87


Spears, Britney, 357


Spectrum Institute Family Diversity

Project, 410


Spitzer, Eliot, 556, 558, 669-670


Sports Hlustrated, 428


spousal benefits, 54, 67


spouse, federal definition of, 151, 156, 221,



Springfield, Massachusetts, domestic

partnership suits, 298


Spyer, Thea, 658-59, 670


Squier Knapp Ochs, 237


Stachelberg, Winnie, 687


Stachowski, Bill, 557


Stahl, Lesley, 16


Stand for Marriage Maine, 530, 538, 602,

607, 610


Index | 905


Standing Up for New Hampshire

Families, 578

Stanford University, 184

Stanyar, Carole, 730

Stark, Matthew, 49

Starkville, Mississippi, 759

State Department, 620, 641

states, 4, 10, 16, 56, 326, 533, 546. See also

specific states and statutes

civil unions and, 362-64

constitutional amendments and, 330,

379-84, 387, 424, 439-40, 449, 460, 485,

501, 533-34, 537, 547, 599

Freedom to Marry “Roadmap” and, 544

Gill Action and, 457-59

mini-DOMAs and, 302, 326, 376, 379,

415-16, 420, 621

Obergefell and, 16, 728-38

OurVote2000 and, 434

out-of-state marriages and, 250-53

research on ballot campaigns and, 541,


sodomy as crime and, 51, 128

super-DOMAs and, 378-79

US. Constitution vs., 270-71

Windsor and, 700, 709-11, 716-17,


states’ rights, 151, 204, 206, 484, 641,

709-11, 716-17

State v. Kam, 81

statutory rape, 327

Stegner, Wallace, 498, 504

Steinbrenner, George, 628

Steinhafel, Gregg, 568

Stephanopoulos, George, 12-13, 194-95,

199, 201-2, 204-8, 210-11, 217-18, 220,

234, 410, 692

Stephens, Jim, 5

Stephenson, Roy, 47

step-parent exception, 256

Stern, Todd, 233, 234, 235

Stewart-Winter, Timothy, 673

Stier, Sandy, 629, 643

Stoddard, Tom, 59, 163, 172-74, 256-57,


Stonewall Democratic Club, 196

Stonewall Inn riots, 35, 39, 402

Stop ERA campaign, 106


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906 | Index


Stop Promoting Homosexuality Hawaii,

113, 744-45

Storrs, Phillip G., 413-14

Storrs, Toshav Greene, 413-14

“Strategic Image Objectives” (Davis),


Strauss v. Horton, 623-24, 627

Streisand, Barbra, 507

Strickland, Tom, 433

“Strong Commitments, Strong Families”

ads, 465-66

Stryker, Jon, 436, 452

Stryker, Pat, 436

St. Stephen’s Church of God in Christ

(San Diego), 475

Studds, Gerry, 164, 166-67, 175, 187-88,


Students for Carter, 420

Stutzman, Rob, 607

Subia, Anne Wigdahl, 473-77, 496-97

Sudbay, Joe, 682

Suffolk Superior Court (Massachusetts),


Sullivan, Andrew, 218, 343, 399, 404-7,


Sullivan, Anthony, 50-51

“Summer for Marriage” bus tour, 569

super-DOMAs, defined, 379

survivorship, 54, 249

suspect-class and tiered scrutiny, 391, 733

Baebr and, 71, 73-74, 81-82, 86, 89

four-pronged test, 665-69

Obama and DOMA defense and, 665-71,


Obergefell and, 753

Perry and, 644-45

Windsor and, 700, 715

Sussman, Donald, 580

Sutton, Jeffrey, 727-29

Sweeney, Tim, 426, 453, 461, 516, 540

Swenson, Scott Blaine, 434

Swift, Jane, 308

Tafel, Richard, 354


Taft, Bob, 379-81


Take Back Vermont campaign, 295, 297,



Take It to the People, 293, 296


Taking Back Our Streets Act (proposed),


TalkBack Live (TV show), 192, 199

Tapper, Jake, 682

Target, 568

Tauro, Judge Joseph, 653-55, 664

Tavai, Val, 742

taxes, 3, 106, 142, 273, 292, 329, 336, 470,

487, 681, 742, 744

DOMA and, 618-20, 681

estate, 132, 658-59

federal, 151, 619

income, 54

joint returns and, 249, 255, 381, 399

Windsor and, 719

Taylor, Jim, 749

Tellez, Luis, 486, 652

“Ten Declarations for Protecting Biblical

Marriage, The” (Garlow), 495-96

Tennessee, 727, 732, 737, 752

10-10-10-20 plan (Coles’s “Winning

Marriage” group)

2005 summit (Jersey City), 443-52,

462-66, 517, 532-36, 547

2010 summit (Somerville), 532-38,

543-44, 547, 555, 583, 599, 656-57, 669

Supreme Court and, 624-25

Windsor and, 727

Tepper, David, 562

Ternus, Marsha, 571-72

Terry, Randall, 130

Terzano, Ginny, 200

Texas, 183, 318

Lawrence v. Texas and, 348—49

Obergefell and, 756

Roe v. Wade and, 361-62

Texas Penal Code, 362

Thiel, Peter, 611

Thimmesch, Nick, II, 153, 156

Third Way, 453, 550-52

This Week, 351

Thomas, Cal, 75

Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, 75

Thomasson, Randy, 470-71, 490-92

Thompson, Fred, 484

Thompson, Karen, 170-71

Thompson, Larry, 142

Tide boycott, 380


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| | Isse_9781524748739_all_5p_r1.s.indd 907


Time, 49, 100, 322, 389, 653, 713, 760


“times that blind” argument, 718, 724, 733


Tinker Air Force Base, 46


Titone, Vito J., 57


Titus, Herbert, 96


tobacco industry, 433, 493


Tocqueville, Alexis, 546


Todd, Chuck, 690


Toffler, Alvin, 8


Tom, Terrance, 741


Toney, Al, 620, 641


Tonight Show, 135


“Tour of Duty” bus tour, 423


Toy Story (film), 346


Traditional Values Coalition, 126, 128,

145, 148, 152, 333, 349


transgendered people, 452, 759


Travaglini, Robert, 374


Treasury Department, 719


Tribe, Laurence, 207


Trimpa, Ted, 433-37, 439, 452-54, 459


Trotter, Donne, 674


Truman, Harry, 703, 709


Trump, Donald, 16, 528, 755, 760


“Truth in Love” ads, 378


Try This at Home! (Coles), 444


Tsongas, Paul, 192-93


Tulsa World, 153, 164


Tyler, Robin, 163


Tynes, Emily, 443-44


Ultimate Target of the Gay Agenda, The

(video), 125


Underwood, Shawna, 412


unemployment benefits, 249, 337


Unhappy Gays (LaHaye), 133


Unification Church, 38


Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations,



Unitarian Universalist Church, 39,

248-49, 259, 281, 284


United Auto Workers, 382


United Methodist Church, 521, 581


United Nations Charter and Universal

Declaration of Human Rights, 714


United Way, 76


Unite the Fight, 523


Universal Life Church, 739


Index | 907


University of California, Davis, 594

University of Chicago Law School, 111,


Obama Constitutional Law class at,


University of Colorado, 428

University of Hawaii, 25, 32, 119, 241, 393

Law School, 393

University of Kansas, 46

University of Maine Law School, 308

University of Maryland, 738

University of Michigan Law School, 257

University of Minnesota, 46-47, 49, 321,


Law School, 46

University of Pennsylvania Law School,


University of San Diego, 479, 497

University of San Francisco, 63

University of Southern Maine, 588

University of Texas, 652, 725

University of Vermont, 273

University of Warwick (England), 315

USS. Air Force, 45-46, 95, 637

US. Army, 37, 71

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,

118-19, 134, 480, 503, 566-67, 610,


US. Congress, 5, 11-12, 51, 59, 106, 110,

126, 135, 137, 139, 149, 162-65, 187,

356, 384, 398, 478, 501, 638, 745

anti-same-sex marriage legislation of

1994-1996, 174-85

District of Columbia and, 59

DOMA and, 11-12, 157-58, 178, 205-9,

211, 215, 218, 221, 231-33, 242, 298,

320, 559, 620, 654-55, 699, 715-17

DOMA duty to defend and, 668, 671

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal and, 424,


ERA and, 106

Federal Marriage Amendment and, 326,

331, 334-37, 367, 373-74, 384

gay groups and, 162-65

GOP control of, in 1994, 126, 187

GOP control of, in 2002, 347

hearings on discrimination in hiring, 5

partial-birth abortion ban, 348


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908 | Index


US. Congress (continued)

Religious Freedom Restoration Act and,


Roe V. Wade and, 361

Windsor and, 731

US. Constitution, 63, 80, 146, 148, 220,

308, 391, 539. See also Federal Marriage

Amendment (proposed); specific

amendments, clauses, and cases

Article IV, 149

church-state separation and, 336-37

DOMA and, 621, 624

freedom to marry and, 419

Human Life Amendment and, 362

Lawrence v. Texas and, 348-51

marriage as fundamental right and,


Obergefell and, 728

Perry and, 628

Roe v. Wade and, 361

state constitutions vs., 270-71

Windsor and, 722-24

U.S. Court of Appeals

First Circuit, 69, 660, 668, 670

Second Circuit, 660, 668-70

Fourth Circuit, 726

Sixth Circuit, 721, 723, 727-29, 749, 752

Seventh Circuit, 726

Eighth Circuit, 624

Ninth Circuit, 71, 726

Tenth Circuit, 726

DC Circuit, 259

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell ruling, 663

Gill and, 653

Jackson v. Abercrombie and, 743

Perry and, 643-51, 653, 749

strict scrutiny and, 668

U.S. House of Representatives, 136,


discrimination and, 161, 164

District of Columbia and, 180

DOMA and, 11-12, 151-58, 206, 214-15,

221, 225-26, 231, 233, 320, 436, 619-20

elections of 1994, 185-86

elections of 2010 and, 683

ENDA and, 166-67, 229

Federal Marriage Amendment and, 330,

350, 358-59, 362-63, 366, 384, 707


Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,


U.S. House of Representatives,


Constitution Subcommittee, 153-55, 208,

211, 218, 221-22, 359, 680

Firearms Legislation Task Force, 143,


GOP Conference, 399

Intelligence, 143

Judiciary, 143-45, 153, 207, 222, 350, 359,

372-73, 639, 717

US. Post Office, 618

US. Senate, 132-40, 142, 296, 331, 382

District of Columbia and, 180

DOMA and, 11-12, 151-58, 204, 206,

220-33, 238, 739

Don’t Ask and, 663-64

ENDA and, 166-67, 224-30, 232

Federal Marriage Amendment and, 330,

351, 358-66, 373, 382, 384, 501, 622

gay staffers and, 165-66

Obama elected to, 457, 674-77, 710

Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry and,


US. Senate, Committees

Constitution Subcommittee, 5, 373

Judiciary, 175, 343-44, 635-36, 682

Steering, 140

US. Supreme Court, 5, 42, 47, 51, 63, 86,

LLL, 148, 155, 200, 207, 270, 278, 279,

330, 331, 529, 590, 605, 608, 614

abortion and, 94-95

ACA and, 697, 700

ACLU and, 447-48, 624-26, 656-57

Baker v. Nelson and, 575

Bonauto and, 655-60

Bowers v. Hardwick, 66-67, 71

Boy Scouts v. Dale and, 417

Brown vs. Board of Education and, 703-4,


Bush II appointments, 484

Bush v. Gore, 628

church-state separation and, 336-37

Citizens United, 568

Clinton appointments 195

Colorado ban on gay rights and, 380

discrimination cases of 2019, 760


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DOMA and, 622-23, 625, 639, 670-71,


Dred Scott and, 372, 625

Foley and, 66-68

Gill and, 622-23, 625

Gill circle and path toward, 16-17

GOP control of, 347

Hardwick and, 391, 447

Hollingsworth v. Perry and, 626-32, 646,

652, 700-705, 708-11

judicial scrutiny and equal protection

clause, 665-68

Lawrence and, 348-51, 354, 359, 447, 644,

667, 713-14, 752

Loving, 49, 66-67, 448-49, 546, 628,


marriage as fundamental right and,


Masterpiece Cakeshop and, 757-59

McConnell and Baker case, 48

Obergefell and, 728-38, 749-56, 760

Perry and, 712-23

Plessy and, 665

polygamy and, 110

right to privacy and, 45, 66-67, 71, 391

Roe v. Wade and, 176, 361-62

Romer and, 127-30, 156-58, 195-96,


Somerville paper and, 547

Sotomayor appointed to, 635-36

Strauss and, 624

10-10-10-20 plan and, 532-37

Watkins and, 71-73

Windsor and, 658, 660, 700-705, 709-23,

727-29, 752

Wolfson and, 417-19

US Air, 249

USA Today, 58, 342, 372,432

Utah, 104, 109-10, 120, 149, 378-79, 567,


civil unions and, 603

Utah Constitution, 398

Utah constitutional amendment (2004),

383-84, 503, 724-26, 748

Utah Recognition of Marriages Act (1995),

179, 396-98

Utah state legislature, 99-100, 102, 106,

179, 397


Index | 909


Utah Supreme Court, 111

Utah Valley University, 528


Vaid, Urvashi, 440-42

Valentine, Jimmy, 476

Values Action Team, 363

values agenda, 210, 237, 352

values messaging, 573-74, 604, 744

van Ameringen, Henry, 427, 452, 454, 555

Van Buren, Jane, 255-56

van Lohuizen, Jan, 689

Varady, Carl, 41-43, 60-62, 82

Varnum v. Brien, 459, 556

Vatican, 480, 505

Vavreck, Lynn, 697

Vermont, 252, 254-97, 304, 315, 325, 329,

366-67, 379, 415, 417-22, 444, 448, 465,

578, 624, 659

civil unions and, 13, 292-96, 302, 310,

335, 418-20, 438-39, 446, 459, 463, 487,

578, 602-3, 675, 742

same-sex marriage enacted, 559, 575, 655

Vermont Bill for Civil Unions (2000),


Vermont Coalition for Lesbian and Gay

Rights, 256-57, 261, 262, 263

Vermont Constitution, 266-72, 276, 285

Common Benefits Clause, 270, 272,

282-83, 289, 305

Vermont Constitutional Convention

(1793), 270

Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force,

263-67, 269, 273, 289, 291-93, 296

Vermont Gay Volleyball, 263

Vermont Legislative Council, 264

Vermont Personnel Department, 287

Vermont Press Bureau, 284, 287

Vermont Republic, 270

“Vermont Ruling: A Status Update”

(Bonauto), 295, 297

Vermont state legislature, 256-58, 264-67,

270-71, 283-96, 298, 302, 411, 487, 529

Vermont Supreme Court, 255-56, 267,

271, 275-87, 293, 331, 417, 487

Vermont Technical College, 256

Verrilli, Donald B., Jr., 699-705, 708-11,

715-16, 732-35

View, The (TV show), 693


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910 | Index


Viguerie, Richard, 144


Village Voice, 183


Virginia, 106, 278, 448, 458, 726


Virginia Housing Development Authority,



Virginia state legislature, 458


Virtually Normal (Sullivan), 407


VISTA, 315


Vote, 490-91


Vote Yes to Marriage, 470


Voting Rights Act (1965), 676


Voyer, Cathy, 291-92, 296


Waihee, John, 34, 72, 102

Waite, Linda J., 321

Wakatsuki, James H., 85

Walker, Quock, 309

Walker, Vaughn, 632-33, 643-46, 648-51,


Wallman, Kathy, 199, 203

Wall Street Journal, 323, 331, 637

Walsh, Terry, 689

Walz, Tim, 576

Wardle, Lynn, 93-104, 112, 114, 116-17,

120, 149, 179, 324-26, 397, 500-501

Warner, Arthur C., 411

Warner, Michael, 264-65

Warren, Earl, 63, 66-67, 111, 278

Warren, Rick, 679

Washington, DC, 58-59, 180, 193, 394,

424, 449, 533, 544, 559, 607-8, 670, 681

Health Care Benefits Expansion Act

(1992), 193

Human Rights Act, 59

Washington Blade, 208, 221, 226, 412

Washington Post, 59, 163-64, 212, 236, 319,

334, 344, 373, 382, 395, 502, 528, 679,

690, 694, 697, 707

Washington State, 61, 698

civil unions and, 599

mini-DOMA and, 533

Washington State Court of Appeals, 54-55

Washington state legislature, 599-600

Washington State Referendum 74 (2012),

583, 599-601, 605, 610-12

Washington Times, 155-57, 203, 319-20

Washington United for Marriage, 601,



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Waters, Lori, 362-63


Watkins, Perry J., 71


Watkins v. United States Army, 71,73


Watson, Joseph, 257, 264-66


Watts, Charlie, 147-48


Watts, Phyllis, 547, 551, 585, 590-92,

597-98, 606


Waxse, David, 53


Websters v. Reproductive Health Services, 94


We Can’t Wait agenda, 690


“Wedded to Intolerance” (HRC), 217-18


weddings, mock, 9, 38, 170


Wednesday Strategy Lunch, 352, 359


Weekly Standard, 136, 318, 327, 342, 365


Weinhandl, Chase, 749


Welles, Orson, 8


Wentz, Pete, 507


West, Jason, 377


West, Tony, 641—42, 669-70


West Hollywood, 27, 401-4, 409, 413, 490,



West Virginia, 529, 533


Wetherbee, Michael, 48


Weyrich, Paul, 348, 350, 352-53, 355,

358-60, 362-63, 368, 379


Wheatley, Thomas, 601, 611


White, Byron, 361


Whitman, Walt, 8


Who's in a Family? (Skutch), 605


Why Marriage Matters, 573, 580, 583,



Why Marriage Matters (Wolfson), 387


Why Marriage Matters Maine, 580-82,



“Why Party Politics Matters” (Frank),



“Why the Family Research Council

Cannot Endorse the Proposed Federal

Marriage Amendment” (memo), 335


Wichterman, Bill, 330, 358


WikiLeaks, 506


Wilde, Oscar, 148


Wildmon, Don, 344-54, 356-57, 359,

361-63, 374, 378-79, 479


Will & Grace (TV show), 357, 553


Williams, Daniel K., 481


Wilson, Audra, 675


Wilson, Bill, 41


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Wilson, Jonathan C., 125

Wilson, Pete, 126

Wilson, Reid, 692

Windsor, Edith “Edie,” 658-59, 670, 722

Windsor v. United States, 658-60, 668,

700-734, 744, 748-49, 752

Windy City Times, 676, 677

“Winning and Keeping Equal Marriage

Rights: What Will Follow Victory in

Baebr v. Lewin” (Wolfson), 399

“Winning Marriage” (Coles group). See

10-10-10-20 Plan

Wirthlin, Richard, 116-19, 121, 502

Wirthlin Worldwide, 116

Wisconsin, 533, 583, 664-65, 689, 726

Wisconsin constitutional amendment, 533

Wise, William C., 50

“with all deliberate speed” argument, 704

Witherspoon Institute, 485-86

Witt, Major Margaret, 637

Wolfson, Evan, 158, 168-69, 175, 177-78,

206, 244, 250-51, 387-401, 403, 405-17,

420-23, 443-46, 463, 649, 673

Baehr and, 417

Boy Scouts v. Dale and, 417-19

California Equality Project and, 464, 466

California Proposition 8 and, 517

Coleman vs., 410-12

departs Lambda, 419-26

DOMA and, 620-21

Freedom to Marry relaunch and, 419-26,

539-49, 559-60, 573-74, 578, 579-80,

584, 612, 684, 725, 750

Gallagher debate and, 545

Hardwick and, 418

Hawaii First and, 412-16

Obergefell and, 750

10-10-10-20 plan and, 450

West Hollywood and, 404, 409


Index | 911


Wolinsky, Marc, 163


women’s rights, 87, 398-99, 666


Woods, William Everett “Bill,” 27-34,

36-45, 58, 60-65, 68-70, 76-77, 79, 409,

411-12, 414, 738, 745-46, 747


Worcester, Massachusetts, 304


Wordsworth, William, 8


World, 335, 496


World Trade Center, 353


Worth, Robert, 31


Wriggins, Jenny, 308


wrongful death suits, 242


Wyden, Ron, 204, 228


Wyoming, 533, 726


Yahoo, 452


Yale Daily News, 545


Yale Law fournal, 95-96


Yale Law School, 153, 308


Yale Political Union, 420, 545-46


Yale University, 340, 406


Yandura, Paul, 201-2, 679-80


Yes on 8 campaign, 494, 498, 506, 508-9,

511, 515, 530, 568, 602, 611


Yogman, Judith, 307, 311


York Fire Department, 586


Young, Brigham, 504


YouTube, 649


YWCA, 119


Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique,

550, 551


Zarnoch, Robert A., 647


Zarrillo, Jeffrey, 629, 643


Zepatos, Thalia, 464-66, 516-17, 524, 541,

548-52, 573-74, 577, 581-88, 592-93,

597, 601-2, 604, 606-7, 744


Zingale, Daniel, 165-67, 183, 185, 204,

223, 226-27, 229, 662


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