Our Far-Flung Correspondent
Boston: A Philistine in the Shingle Museum
The bumper stickers read “Gut Fish, Not Houses.” And as the Nantucket homeowner who helped inspire them has learned, in some historic neighborhoods, your remodeling team had better include a good lawyer. (September 2007)
New York: Running, Away
Stumping for French votes in freedom-fry country. (May 25, 2012)
Monocle: French Revision
Napoleon sold off Louisiana in 1803 but the French government is busier than ever promoting Gallic culture in the former colonial state. Latest move: funding a new school and getting the headlines from Paris on the local radio stations. (June 2010)
The Boston Globe: A New Flag Flies in Berkeley
The left adjusts to a new patriotism. (January 6, 2009)
Monocle: Korea Moves
Global property markets may be undergoing a brutal shakedown but big corporations and sovereign wealth funds have not stopped shopping. And they each seem to have a favourite city to invest in. That’s why Los Angeles’s skyline is increasingly being shaped by landlords in Seoul. (July/August 2009)